

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Kantian Conversations (Virtually Speaking): Sahra Taylor, “Kant and the Socio-Politics of Education” (July 29, 2021)

We are glad to give notice that the next seminar of the Online Seminar Series in Kantian Political Thought of the ECPR Standing Group on Kantian Political Thought will be given by Sahra Taylor on Kant and the Socio-Politics of Education. The event will find place on July 29, at 16:00  – 18:00 CEST. Commentator will be Feroz Mehmood Shah.

The seminar series is organised by Macarena Marey (CONICET), Zachary Vereb (University of Mississippi), and Christoph Hanisch (Ohio University).

For further information, and to register to the event, please visit the website of the Online Seminar Series.



This presentation explores the wider context of Kant’s approach to education. Whilst much has been made of his writings on moral (or cosmopolitan) education – Louden, Cavallar, Auweele, Cohen, Donath, Giesenger, Moran, Munzel and many others have written in some detail on this area – far less consideration has been given to the other forms of education also implicit, and indeed explicit, in his works: education for women, education for the masses, and education for the non-cosmopolitan elite.

This presentation picks up the threads of these, and attempts to set out how they relate to his arguments on the socio-politics of the white and western nation-state. In essence, what role do all of these different types of education play in the formation and propagation of his cosmopolitan vision?

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/kantian-conversations-virtually-speaking-sahra-taylor-kant-and-the-socio-politics-of-education-july-29-2021/