

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Workshop: Natura, politica e cosmopolitica (Padova-Natal, 15-17-20 settembre 2021)

On September, 15, 17 and 20 2021 the Department of Philosophy at the University of Padua, Italy and the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil will host the workshop Natura, politica e cosmopolitica. Percorsi teorici e metafilosofici tra pensiero amerindio e occidentale, organized by Giovanna Miolli, Federico Sanguinetti, Luca Corti, José Luiz Silva da Costa and Luca Illetterati.

The workshop will be held in blended modality and will be divided into three sessions (on September 15, 17 and 20, 2021).

To register, please e-mail: giovanna.miolli@unipd.it


Workshop: Natura, politica e cosmopolitica (Padova-Natal, 15-17-20 settembre 2021)


Workshop: Natura, politica e cosmopolitica (Padova-Natal, 15-17-20 settembre 2021) 1


Workshop: Natura, politica e cosmopolitica (Padova-Natal, 15-17-20 settembre 2021) 2

To download the flyer and program of  the workshop click here (italian) or here (portuguese)

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/workshop-natura-politica-e-cosmopolitica-padova-natal-15-17-20-settembre-2021/