

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

III Seminário de filosofia clássica alemã (online, 25-27 April 2022)

We are glad to give notice of the III Seminário de filosofia clássica alemã, which will take place on 25th-27th April, 2022.

The seminar is organized by the Núcleo de pesquisas sobre Filosofia Clássica Alemã (NUFCAL).

The seminar is organized by Programa de Pós-Graduação (Humberto Schubert Coelho (UFJF) and Luiz Felipe da Silva Oliveira (UFRGS)) and Filosofia da UFJF (PPGFIL / UFJF) (Arthur Werneque Gouvea (UFJF), Gabriela Rocha de Almeida (UFJF), Kim Fraga Dias Torres (UFJF); ictor Henrique Monteiro Alves (UFJF)).

The event will be entirely online and free. All subscribers will receive the transmission links in the provided e-mail at the moment of registration. Participation certificates will be issued if and only there is at least 80% participation in activities throughout the week.
The event gives a 20-hour certificate.

For registration and further information, please visit this website.


It is with great satisfaction that we invite the academic community to the III Seminar on Classical German Philosophy of the Research Center for Classical German Philosophy (NUFCAL) to be held remotely from April 25th to 29th, 2022. This is the first international version of an event whose debut edition was held in 2017 at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), followed by a second meeting in 2019 at the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT). The seminar seeks to bring together scholars, establish or deepen contacts, share research and stimulate interest in classical German thought through debate on different authors. Moreover, all differences nothwithstanding, the lectures will emphasize the common threads that bring such authors together in a common philosophical movement.



25/04 – Segunda

h. 17:00 – Abertura do evento.

h. 17:15 – Adriano Bueno Kurle (UMFT), A gênese do material musical em Hegel.

h. 19:00 – Humberto Coelho (UFJF), O Conceito de libertade e seu papel nos primeiros escritos de J. G. Fichte.

26/04 – Terça

h. 17:00 – Marco Aurélio Werle (USP), Thoria, História e Crítica da Arte na época de Goethe.

h. 19: 00 – Luis H. Dreher (UFJF), Unicidade e rendencão.

27/04 – Quarta

h. 17:00 – Michela Bordignon (UFABC),  A metafilosofia de Hegel; uma reflexão sobre o conceito de método.

h. 19:00 – Luiz Filipe Oliveira (UFRGC), Libertade como metapríncipio na filosofia de Schelling.

28/04 – Quinta

h. 17:00 – Andre Hahmann (Tsingushua University – CHN), Kant, Schiller, History – On the Development of German Philosophy of History.

h. 19:00 – Giorgia Cecchinato, Verdade e beleza non primeiros escritos jenenses de Hegel.

29/904 – Sexta

h. 16:00 – Jörge Noller (Universität Konstanz) – Fichte on Moral Self-decetion.

h. 19:00 – Encerramento: A primeira doutrina da ciênca de Fichte: um determinismo invertido.

III Seminário de filosofia clássica almã: "A metafilosofia de Hegel; uma reflexão sobre o conceito de método"

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/iii-seminario-de-filosofia-classica-alma-online-25-27-april-2022/