

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

International Workshop: “Normativity and Objectivity. Reading Hegel in the 21st Century” (Athens, 8-9 May 2022)

We are glad to give notice of the International Workshop Normativity and Objectivity. Reading Hegel in the 21st Century, which will find place on 8th-9th May 2022 in Athens (Sunday, 8th May, at Café “Politeia”, h. 9:00-20:00 EEST; on Monday, 9th May, at Panteion University, Room D 12, New Building, 10:00-15:00 EEST).

Coordinators of the event are Jannis Kozatsas, Alexandros Daskalakis, Georges Faraklas, and Klaus Vieweg. Languages of the workshop will be German and English.

The workshop will include talks by Alexandros Daskalakis, Thodoris Dimitrakos, Kostas Dimitriou, Georges Faraklas, Nikos Folinas, Bruno Haas, Antonios Kalatzis, Dimitris Karydas, Jannis Kozatsas, Aliki Lavranu, Andreas Michalakis, Giannis Ninos, Giorgos Sagriotis, Michalis Skomvoulis, Giorgos Stefanidis, Michalis Tegos, Ioannis Trisokkas, Klaus Vieweg.

International Workshop: "Normativity and Objectivity. Reading Hegel in the 21st Century" (Athens, 8-9 May 2022)

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/international-workshop-normativity-and-objectivity-reading-hegel-in-the-21st-century-athens-8-9-may-2022/