

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

New Release: Catherine Wilson, “Kant and the Naturalistic Turn of 18th Century Philosophy” (Oxford University Press, 2022)

We are very pleased to give notice of the new volume Kant and the Naturalistic Turn of 18th Century Philosophy by Catherine Wilson (Oxford University Press, 2022).

From the publisher’s website:

Kant’s philosophy is usually treated according to ‘internalist’ textual methodology rather than contextually according to ‘externalist’ methodology. Kant and the Naturalistic Turn of 18th Century Philosophy presents transcendental idealism, the metaphysics of morals, and other Kantian innovations in philosophy as a reaction to 18th century developments in the life and human sciences. It interprets Kant’s metaphysics as motivated by, on one hand, anxiety over the moral dangers he perceived in the empiricism of Buffon, Hume, Smith, and certain German materialists; and, on the other, his theological scepticism. Topics treated include cosmology and the fate of the earth, the mechanical philosophy and the problems of life, mind, and matter, historical pessimism, warfare and class consciousness, and the role of women in 18th century society. This book sheds new light on all major aspects of Kant’s philosophy and opens avenues for further research.

Below is the Table of Contents:

1:Discoveries and Controversies
2:The Laws of Nature and the Origins of the World
3:The Background: Problems of Life and Matter
4:The Veil of Perception and Kant’s Transcendental Idealism
5:The ‘Physiologists’ and Material Minds
6:The Penchant for Determinism and Kant’s Response
7:Obligation and the Moral Sentiments
8:The Puzzle of Purposiveness
9:Kant on Humanity, Diversity, and Human Value
10:Civilization, Extinction, and Moral Effort
11:Futility and Transcendence: Kant’s Arguments of Hope
Concordance of Translated Passages


New Release: Catherine Wilson, "Kant and the Naturalistic Turn of 18th Century Philosophy" (Oxford University Press, 2022)

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/new-release-catherine-wilson-kant-and-the-naturalistic-turn-of-18th-century-philosophy-oxford-university-press-2022/