

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

CFP: “Assent, Belief, and Testimony in Kant and his Predecessors” (Special Issue of “Inquiry”)

We are glad to give notice of the Call for Papers Assent, Belief, and Testimony in Kant and his Predecessors, for a Special Issue of Inquiry. Guest editors of the issue are Gabriele Gava (University of Turin) and Jakub Techert (FU Berlin/Goethe University Frankfurt).

Please find below the description and information about the submission.


Immanuel Kant is considered one of the chief figures in the history of non-evidentialism. As it is commonly understood, this view maintains that it is sometimes rationally permissible to hold a belief even though one lacks decisive evidence for its truth. Although Kant has always been regarded as a non-evidentialist of some sort, it is only recently that Kant scholars have analysed his epistemology of assent in detail, demonstrating its richness and contemporary relevance. Yet scholars have failed to consider the extent to which a part of this epistemology—Kant’s non-evidentialism—was influenced by views on non-epistemic justification which were defended by some of his predecessors and contemporaries. This gap in the literature must be filled since these views can in fact illuminate Kant’s position in many respects.
The purpose of the special issue is to confront Kant’s views with the debates concerning practical, non-epistemic grounds for belief in 18th-century Germany prior to Kant. These debates are interesting not only because they can open up new perspectives on Kant, but also because 18th-century German philosophers devised complex and original accounts of practical grounds for belief that are far richer in detail than other, more famous proposals.
Moreover, the special issue will shed light on an application of practical, non-epistemic grounds for belief that was not discussed by Kant, that is, the appeal to practical grounds for belief in cognitions that are based on testimonial evidence. The volume will clarify the differences between the various positions held by Kant’s predecessors in order to better understand Kant’s epistemology and specifically his non-evidentialism. In this way it will become possible to assess the innovations presented by Kant’s theory.

The volume will contain new contributions both on Kant and on his various predecessors. It will thus provide an authoritative and original perspective on Kant’s epistemology and its sources.

Submissions should be prepared for blind review and must not exceed 7.000 words, including notes and bibliography. Please upload your contribution to Inquiry’s submissions portal here.


Make sure to tick the box for special issue and select “Assent, Belief, and Testimony in Kant and his Predecessors”.

The deadline is December 30th 2023.

If you have any questions, please contact the guest editors: gabriele.gava@unito.it; jakub.techert@fu-berlin.de

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/cfp-assent-belief-and-testimony-in-kant-and-his-predecessors-special-issue-of-inquiry/