

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

CFP: 14th International Kant Congress: “Kant’s Project of Enlightenment” (Bonn, 8-13 September, 2024)

We are glad to give notice of the Call for Paper for the 14th International Kant Congress Kant’s Project of Enlightenment, which will be organized and hosted by the Universitä Bonn and the Kant Gesellschaft, and will take place on September, 8th-13th, 2024.

Deadline for submitting papers: February 28th, 2023
Notification of acceptance of contributions: July 1st, 2023

Those who wish to participate in the conference without submitting a paper are also welcome to register for the event.

Below you can find the general presentation of the event and the text of the call.


In celebration of the 300th anniversary of Kant’s birth, and in view of the political developments of our time, the theme of the congress will be “Kant’s Project of Enlightenment”. In 2024, the city of Bonn will also be celebrating the 75th anniversary of the German Constitution, which was enacted into law in Bonn on May 23, 1949, as the Grundgesetz of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The Enlightenment emphasized the moral autonomy of the individual and the inalienable political rights of all human beings. Its aim was to overcome deeply engrained prejudices in religion, the state, and society and to defend the principles of rational criticism and emancipation, all while advocating a scientific orientation to the world. The ideas of the Enlightenment are understood to be universal: All human beings are to be considered equal, regardless of gender, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, or sexual orientation. Kant remains one of the most important representatives of the European Enlightenment and one of its central contributors.

1. Kant and the Enlightenment
2. Kant’s pre-critical philosophy
3. Metaphysics
4. Epistemology and logic
5. Philosophy of science, philosophy of nature and teleology
6. Ethics and moral philosophy
7. Philosophy of law and political philosophy
8. Philosophy of history and culture
9. Philosophy of education, anthropology, and psychology
10. Religion and theology
11. Aesthetics and art theory
12. Kant and German idealism
13. Kant and Neo-Kantianism
14. Kant and phenomenology
15. Kant and the analytic philosophy
16. Kant in contemporary practical philosophy
17. Kant and the global challenges: poverty, climate change, migration
18. Kant and the challenges of artificial intelligence
19. Kant and the non-Western philosophy
20. Kant as a source of inspiration for the constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany
21. Kant and the problems of social marginalization

Call for papers

The call for papers runs from May 1st, 2022 to February 28th, 2023. Please submit a full paper of up to 20,000 characters (including spaces, footnotes, and references) and an abstract of approximately 1,000 characters (including spaces, in English). Papers may be written in either one of the congress languages (English, French, German, Spanish) and should relate to one of the 21 sections above. Please indicate explicitly which section(s) you consider to be most appropriate for your paper. Contributions will be subject to anonymous peer review. To ensure objectivity, contributions must not contain references to the author’s previous work or any elements that may reveal the author’s identity. The contribution must be submitted as a PDF file.

The selected papers will be allocated a time slot of 30 minutes, including Q&A (presentation: 20 minutes; Q&A: 10 minutes). Submitters will be notified of the outcome of the review by July 31, 2023.
Please submit your contribution via our conference software Converia. A separate input field is available for the abstract.
Those who wish to participate in the conference without submitting a paper are also
welcome to register for the event.


Registration fees (for both presenters an non-presenters):
Regular tariff (entire conference): 150 EUR
Reduced: 75 EUR
Day ticket: 35 EUR
Students (with valid ID): 35 EUR
Exceptions are possible for cases of hardship.


For further information, please visit the congress website or the call for paper website.

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  • Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/cfp-14th-international-kant-congress-kants-project-of-enlightenment-bonn-8-13-september-2024/