

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

New Release: «Perspectives», vol. 31, 1/2023, “Philosophy in/on translation”

We are glad to give notice of the release of «Perspectives», vol. 31, 1/2023, dedicated to Philosophy in/on translation.


Table of Contents:


Alice Leal & Philip Wilson, A tale of two disciplines? Philosophy in/on translation


Helena Martins, Variations on the task of the translator: on translation as catastrophe and as equivocation
Saša Hrnjez, Too late to trans-late? On belatedness and translation
Lisa Foran, Untranslatability and the ethics of pause
Samir Haddad, Teaching with untranslatables in The Beast and the Sovereign Volume I
Beata Piecychna, Hans-Georg Gadamer’s philosophy of understanding and its implications for a model of hermeneutical translation competence
Melissa Pawelski, Between ‘Körper’ and ‘Leib’ – Translating Michel Foucault’s concept of the body after Friedrich Nietzsche
Jonathan Joshua Egid, How does philosophy learn to speak a new language?
Piers Rawling, Davidson on indeterminacy and ‘passing theories’: need translators worry?
Stephen A. Noble, Translation: a ‘dark secret’ of philosophy?
Duncan Large, Translating the Vienna Circle

Book Reviews:

Frida Akmalia, Yunita Laila Zulfa & Yayan Nurbayan, The Routledge course in Arabic business translation: Arabic-English-Arabic, by Mahmoud Altarabin, Routledge, 2021, x + 198 pp., £26.39 (paperback), £26.39 (e-book), ISBN: 9781003170846
Huan Mei & Qian Chen, Empirical studies of translation and interpreting: The Post-Structuralist Approach, edited by Caiwen Wang and Binghan Zheng, New York, Routledge, 2021, 302 pp., USD$160.00 (hardback), USD$48.95 (e-book), ISBN 9781003017400
Jing Zhao, Translation and social media communication in the age of the pandemic, edited by Tong King Lee and Dingkun Wang, New York and London, Routledge, 2022, x+117 pp., $59.95 (Hardcover), ISBN 978-1-032-02558-2
Yuan Ping, The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Media, edited by Esperança Bielsa, Abingdon, Routledge, 2022, xvi+550 pp., £190.00 (paperback), £33.99 (e-book), ISBN 9781003221678
Christina Schäffner, Italy’s politicians in the news: journalistic translation and cultural representation, by Denise Filmer, Bologna, I Libri di Emil, 2021, 140 pp., 18.00€ (paperback), ISBN 9788866803492


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/new-release-perspectives-vol-31-1-2023-philosophy-in-on-translation/