

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Conference: “Hegel and the Hegelian Tradition in Political Thought” (Cambridge, 7-8 July 2023)

We are glad to give notice of the conference “Hegel and the Hegelian Tradition in Political Thought”, which will find place on July 7th-8th, 2023, at the Robinson College (University of Cambridge). The conference is organized by Richard Bourke, Fernanda Gallo, and Duncan Kelly; conference assistant is Elena Yi-Jia Zeng.

Please find below the program of the conference.


DAY 1 – 7th July
10:30–10:50: Registration and Coffee
10:50–11:00 Opening Remarks: Richard Bourke (King’s College, University of Cambridge)
11:00–12:40: The Philosophy of Right
Chair: Duncan Kelly (Jesus College, University of Cambridge)
Ludwig Siep (University of Münster), “Limits and Potential of Hegel’s Philosophy of Objective Spirit”.
David James (Warwick University), “Hegel on the Unity of the State”.
Sally Sedgwick (Boston University), “Weltgeschichte als Gericht: On Justifying Hegel’s Philosophy of Right”.
12:40–14:00: Lunch
14:00–15:10: The World
Chair: Fernanda Gallo (Homerton College, University of Cambridge)
Angelica Nuzzo (City University of New York), “The Philosophy of Right and the Idea of the World: Hegel’s “Political Cosmology”.
Frederick Neuhouser (Barnard College, Columbia University), “Hegel’s Social Philosophy as Comprehending the Life-World”.
15:10–15:40 Coffee/Tea Break
15:40–17:20: The Will
Chair: Gareth Stedman Jones (King’s College, University of Cambridge)
Douglas Moggach (University of Ottawa/ University of Sidney), “Hegel and Post-Kantian Perfectionism”.
Allegra de Laurentiis (Stony Brook University), “On the ‘Infinite Recalcitrance’ of Property in Bourgeois Society (§195)”.
Susanne Herrmann-Sinai (University of Oxford), “Subjective Freedom”.

DAY 2 – 8th July
9:30–10:00: Coffee
10:00–11:40: The Citizen
Chair: Charlotte Johann (Churchill College, University of Cambridge)
Elias Buchetmann (University of Rostock), “Hegel’s Constitutional Politics”.
Klaus Vieweg (University of Jena), “Der Staat, das bin ich: Hegel über Bürger und Staat”.
Robert Stern (University of Sheffield), “The Case of Elizabeth II: Hegel’s Account of Monarchy Confirmed?”.
11:40–12:10: Coffee/Tea Break
12:10–13:20: The People
Chair: Sylvana Tomaselli (St John College, University of Cambridge)
Stephen Houlgate (Warwick University), “Civil Society and its Discontents: Hegel and the Problem of Poverty”.
Andreja Novakovic (University of California, Berkeley), “Hegel’s Answer to the ‘Academy’ Question: Is it Permissible to Deceive a People?”
13:20–15:00 Lunch
15:00–16:40: After Hegel
Chair: Richard Bourke (King’s College, University of Cambridge)
Fernanda Gallo (University of Cambridge), “Hegel’s Ethical State in Italy”.
David Leopold (University of Oxford), “Hegel and Utopia”.
Terry Pinkard (Georgetown University), “Life, Logic, Practice: The Remnants of Naturalized Left-Hegelianism”.

Here you can download the flyer of the event.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/conference-hegel-and-the-hegelian-tradition-in-political-thought-cambridge-7-8-july-2023/