Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group
HPD-Holidays: Giovanna Miolli, “Obliquity in Question: Method, Transformation, and Metaphilosophical Implications” («Verifiche» LI, 1-2 / 2022).
Mattia Megli // Aug 21, 2023
hegelpd takes a summer holiday. In this period we will be sharing recent essays and reviews by our research group.
We are glad to share Giovanna Miolli’s article Obliquity in Question: Method, Transformation, and Metaphilosophical Implications. The text is part of the Book Symposium on Angelica Nuzzo’s latest book, published in «Verifiche» (LI, 1-2 / 2022).
You can download the pdf of the text by clicking on the button below.