

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

New Release: Kristi Sweet, “Kant on Freedom, Nature and Judgment. The Territory of the Third Critique” (Cambridge University Press, 2023)

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Kant on Freedom, Nature and Judgment. The Territory of the Third Critique, by Kristi Sweet (Cambridge University Press, 2023).

From the publisher’s website:

Kant’s Critique of Judgment seems not to be an obviously unified work. Unlike other attempts to comprehend it as a unity, which treat it as serving either practical or theoretical interests, Kristi Sweet’s book posits it as examining a genuinely independent sphere of human life. In her in-depth account of Kant’s Critical philosophical system, Sweet argues that the Critique addresses the question: for what may I hope? The answer is given in Kant’s account of ‘territory,’ a region of experience that both underlies and mediates between freedom and nature. Territory forms the context in which purposiveness without a purpose, the Ideal of Beauty, the sensus communis, genius and aesthetic ideas, and Kant’s conception of life and proof of God are best interpreted. Encounters in this sphere are shown to refer us to a larger, more cosmic sense of a whole to which both freedom and nature belong.

Table of Contents:

1. Reason, Hope, and Territory

2. Reflection, Purposiveness, Metaphysics

3. “Life” and the Ideal of Beauty

4. The Sensus Communis and the Ground of the Critical System

5. Genius, Aesthetic Ideas, and a Spiritualized Natural Order

Interlude: Transition to the Critique of Teleological Judgment

6. The Domain of Nature as System: Ends

7. Hope and Faith: God in the Critique of Teleological Judgment


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/new-release-kristi-sweet-kant-on-freedom-nature-and-judgment-the-territory-of-the-third-critique-cambridge-university-press-2023/