

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Event: “Kant and the Needs of Reason III” (Istanbul and Online, 26 November 2023)

We are glad to give notice of the third meeting of Kant and the Needs of Reason, with the talk Kant’s Critical Rehabilitation of the Stoic Conception of Nature.
Speaker:  Melissa Merritt (University of New South Wales).
Moderator: Seniye Tilev (Kadir Has University).

The talk will take place in Istanbul and online (Zoom Id: 999 14880416), on November 26th, 2023. The event is organized by the Turkey Kant Society, Kadir Has University and Core Program.
Further information can be found at this link.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/event-kant-and-the-needs-of-reason-iii-istanbul-and-online-26-november-2023/