

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Summer School: System and Complexity in Classical German Philosophy (Salvador Donoso, January 8-12, 2024)

We are happy to give notice of the International Summer School, which will be devoted to System and Complexity in German Idealism. The summer school will be held at The Institute of Philosophy of the Diego Portales University (Salvador Donoso, Chile), on 8-12 January, 2024.

The deadline for the submission is: 30th of November 2023.

Target audience: Ph.D. and M.A. researchers (after evaluation, the participation of postdoctoral researchers would be allowed). Fluency in Spanish and English is necessary.

For applications, send an email to: complexitysummerschool@gmail.com


The problem of complexity has taken place since philosophy as a problem located in the systemic relationship between the totality and its parts. This relation, which has been going on since Heraclitus, has been predominant in the course of German Idealism. The unity of the parts in the totality presents us with the philosophical dilemma of the coherence and connection of the system and subsystems. The unity of the totality captivated the attention and criticism of various German authors towards the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century. Hölderlin’s hen-kai-pan (one-and-all) is the manifest result of this spirit of the times, which is gestated in dialogues, epistolaries and voluminous replies. Philosophical thought as a unitary system is representative of canonical authors of German idealism, but who differ in the diverse ontology of that unit in the metaphysical, aesthetic, political, practical corpus, etc. In this sense, the complexity of relations and interrelations of the systems marks the guiding thread of the debates o n unity and difference in canonical authors such as Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Hegel and Jacobi. This complexity is the theme of this International Summer School.


Relatores / Speakers:

Prof. Dr. Rocío Garcés Ferrer (Diego Portales University)

Prof. Dr. Zdravko Kobe (Ljubljana University)

Prof. Dr. Anton Fr. Koch (University of Heidelberg)

Dr. Giovanna Miolli (University of Padua)

Prof. Dr. Sandra Palermo (University of Pavia)

Prof. Dr. Pablo Pulgar Moya (Diego Portales University)

Prof. Dr. Jimena Solé (University of Buenos Aires)

Panelistas / Speakers:

Dr (c). Fernanda Medina (Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso)

Organizadores / Organizers:

Dr (c). Fernanda Medina (Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso)

Dr. Giovanna Miolli (University of Padua)

Prof. Dr. Pablo Pulgar Moya (Diego Portales University)



For more informations: Summer School – System and Complexity in Classical German Philosophy


Summer School: System and Complexity in Classical German Philosophy (Salvador Donoso, January 8-12, 2024)

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/summer-school-system-and-complexity-in-classical-german-philosophy-salvador-donoso-january-8-12-2024/