

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Jacobi-Wörterbuch Online

We are very glad to give notice of the release of the Jacobi-Wörterbuch Online, which can be accessed at this link.

The Jacobi-Wörterbuch Online is supported by the Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig as part of the academy project “Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi: Briefwechsel. Text – Kommentar – Wörterbuch Online“.

Editors are Birgit Sandkaulen, Stefan Schick and Oliver Koch.

All articles are freely available; the publication languages are German and English.

Below you can find the general presentation of the project.



The Jacobi-Dictionary Online

Based on Jacobi’s specific use of terms, the Jacobi-Dictionary Online aims to explore Jacobi’s thought in the context of the philosophical and political controversies of his time. The textual basis of the dictionary is the complex network of Jacobi’s philosophical and literary writings (JWA), his complete correspondence (JBW), and his “Denkbücher” (JDB).On the basis of some 400 selected lemmata, the dictionary outlines both the internal interconnectedness of Jacobi’s oeuvre and its connection with earlier, contemporary, and later positions within the context of classical German philosophy. In doing so, the dictionary creates a scholarly tool that is of systematic importance not only for research on Jacobi but also for research on the period around 1800 in general. In addition to philosophy, the articles in the dictionary are also relevant to a wide range of disciplines, including literary studies, religious studies, political economy, cultural studies, and the social sciences.

Since 2019, the Jacobi-Dictionary Online has been developed as part of the Academy project “Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi: Briefwechsel. Text – Kommentar – Wörterbuch Online”, which is supported by the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig. The publication is exclusively digital and open-access.

The Jacobi-Dictionary Online is in a state of continuous development and will be successively expanded by the periodic publication of new articles. Additional features are in preparation, such as further research information concerning the persons mentioned in the articles of the Jacobi-Dictionary Online and the metadata of the Jacobi-Letter Edition.

In addition, a bibliographical database is in preparation, which will record the editions and translations of Jacobi’s works and publications on Jacobi and will allow users to conduct research. Authors of new publications on Jacobi (from 2022 onwards) are invited to support the creation of this database by reporting their publications to the editors of the Jacobi-Dictionary Online (jwo@saw-leipzig.de).

For further information please visit the website of the Jacobi-Dictionary Online.


Jacobi-Wörterbuch Online

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/jacobi-worterbuch-online/