

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

CFA: UKKS Annual Kant Conference: “Kant at 300 on Reason, Nature, and Freedom” (Dublin, 20-21st May 2024)

We are glad to give notice of the call for abstracts Kant at 300 on Reason, Nature, and Freedomfor the UK Kant Society Annual Conference for 2024 that will take place on May 20-21, 2024, in Dublin.

Below you can find the text of the call for abstract and the terms of submission.

Keynote Speakers: Baroness Onora O’Neill, Emeritus (Cambridge University); Ido Geiger (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev); Lucy Allais (Johns Hopkins University and University of the Witwatersrand); Tobias Rosefeldt (Humboldt University).

Abstracts should be sent to: dublinkantfest@gmail.com

Deadline: 30th January 2024

Length: 600–900 words

Venue: The Newman House (at St. Stephen’s Green), Dublin City Centre.

Date:  A 2-day conference on Mon-Tue, 20th-21st May, 2024.

Conference: 4 keynote speakers plus 14 speakers in 7 parallel sessions.

Jointly hosted and organised by the Dept. of Philosophy, Trinity College Dublin (Lilian Alweiss, TCD) and the School of Philosophy, University College Dublin James O’Shea, UCD), in association with the Dept. of Philosophy at King’s College London (John Callanan, King’s).

The parallel sessions will be 45 minutes: 25-30 for presentation, 15-20 for discussion. Abstracts should be between 600 and 900 words. The abstract should introduce and motivate your topic, and provide a sketch of the main argument and conclusion. This should be suitable for a 25-30 minute presentation once worked up into a full paper.

The conference theme is broad, but the organising committee seeks a spread of talks on central systematic themes across Kant’s main critical period works, including both his theoretical and practical philosophy. Particularly welcome are talks that engage with Kant’s critical conception of reason, whether in relation to nature, freedom, or reflecting judgment, or to other philosophers.  But proposed talks on fundamental themes across Kant’s critical philosophy are also welcome.

Please email a pdf of your abstract suitable for anonymous refereeing to: dublinkantfest@gmail.com. Please ensure that the document filename is of the format:  KantFest_papertitle.  In your email please include your Name, Institutional Affiliation (if applicable), email address, and paper title.

There is no conference fee, but at present we do not have funding for flight, accommodation, and meals for parallel session participants.  It is not necessary to belong to the UKKS to participate in the conference, but you are welcome to join. To read more about how to join and the benefits of being a member see https://www.ukks.co.uk/membership.html .

Queries may be sent to either Jim O’Shea, UCD (jim.oshea@ucd.ie) or Lilian Alweiss, TCD (alweissl@tcd.ie).

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/cfa-ukks-annual-kant-conference-kant-at-300-on-reason-nature-and-freedom-dublin-20-21st-may-2024/