

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

New Release: Francesca Iannelli, Mariannina Failla (eds.), “Philosophy and madness. From Kant to Hegel and beyond”

We are glad to give notice of the release of the book Philosophy and madness. From Kant to Hegel and beyond, edited by Francesca Iannelli, Mariannina Failla (Mimesis International, 2024).

From the publisher’s website:

This book aims to reflect on mental illness through considering the influence that Criticism and German Idealism exerted on directions of philosophical, scientif­ic and psychoanalytical thought in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and which can still be perceived today. It aims, therefore, not only to offer today’s cul­tural and scientific debate an analysis of otherwise undetected aspects of classical German Philosophy but also to shed light on subjects and issues present within current philosophical, psychiatric and scientific investigation.

Table of contents:

Shadows of reason, lights of unreason (Francesca Iannelli)
The Unconscious before the Unconscious. Philosophy, Psychology and Psychiatry in Nineteenth-Century France  (Marco Piazza and Denise Vincenti)
A critical medical and philosophical prospective on madness from Kant and Pinel to Derrida and Szasz (Gabriel Rui Caldeira)
Zum Verständnis des Wahnsinns: Von Kant zu Hegel und darüber hinaus (Veronika Klauser)
Der Wahnsinn in der Phänomenologie des Geistes (Nicolae Râmbu)
Verrückung – Verkehrung – Verstellung. Hegel über Donquichotterie und Narrenweisheit (Klaus Vieweg)
Hegel and Kaspar Hauser between Reality and Fiction: Bildung to the proof of idiocy, inhumanity, and artificial intelligence (Francesca Iannelli)
Implications of mental derangement in moral and juridical context starting from Hegel (Giulia Battistoni)
Sociogenetic Dimensions of Madness in Georg Büchner (Gabriele Schimmenti)
Murder and Madness. Nietzsche, Henry Maudsley and Nineteenth Century Psychiatry (Marco Brusotti)
The Unconscious in Husserl: Psychology, Sedimentation and Temporality. Historical and Theoretical Aspects (Mariannina Failla)

New Release: Francesca Iannelli, Maria "Philosophy and madness. From Kant to Hegel and beyond"

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/new-release-francesca-iannelli-mariannina-failla-eds-philosophy-and-madness-from-kant-to-hegel-and-beyond/