

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

International Conference: “Translation After Translation. Current Perspectives and New Directions in Philosophy of Translation” (Florence, 26-27 March 2024)

We are glad to give notice of the International Conference Translation After Translation. Current Perspectives and New Directions in Philosophy of Translation, which will take place at the University of Florence (Via della Pergola 60, Sala Orbetello, Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia), on March 26-27, 2024.
The conference is organized as a part of the activities of the LANGEST project funded by the MUR, Young Researchers call and in collaboration with PHILTRA, Research Center for the Philosophy of Translation (University of Padua) and under the auspices of SISF-Società Italiana di Storia della filosofia

For further information, please email sasa.hrnjez@unifi.it.
Below you can find the description and the program of the event, which you can also download at this link.



The ambiguous expression “translation after translation”, from the title of the Conference, serves to stress the continuous survival of translation in its many forms, its repetition in difference and its historical temporality. In other words, what is at stake here is the plurality as the mode of being of translation, a necessary demand for translation (always as another and different translation) intrinsic to its very concept.
What is/are the proper form(s) in which translation needs to survive today? What are the ends of translation (and tasks of translators) after its declared “end”? Which directions could the concept of translation take after its disciplinary consolidation within translation studies? What perspectives might be envisaged within the current dialogue between philosophy and translation? How to deal philosophically with the other translation-related phenomena such as plurilingualism, translingualism, hybridization, exophony, extraterritoriality, linguistic superdiversity? How can we keep alive the demand for translation in a world of capitalist production and neoliberal ideology that reduces the production of meaning to semantic equivalences needed for an efficient communicative exchange? All these diverse questions try to grasp the universal meaning of translation while taking into account its historical, cultural and political conditions which necessarily differentiate the practices of translation.
The Conference “Translation after Translation. Current Perspectives and New Directions in Philosophy of Translation” aims to discuss different concepts of translation and the related problems in order to frame actual and possible routes in the philosophy of translation. The goal is to discuss various topics, spanning from classical perspectives on translation within the continental, hermeneutic, deconstructivist, analytical tradition to contemporary and cutting-edge lines of research, as well as to general issues concerning language, culture, knowledge and history.


March 26th

Chair: Saša Hrnjez (Università di Firenze)

Alice Leal (Wits University Johannesburg): For a Philosophical Turn in Translation Studies
Lisa Foran (University of Dublin): The Ends of Translation: Translation as the (Post)Human Condition

Chair: Eleonora Caramelli (Università di Bologna)
Elena Nardelli (Università di Padova/University of Kyoto): Philosophy as Translation: Which Temporality?
Stephen Noble (Université de Lille): The Experience of the World and the Illusion of Transparency: Philosophy and the Paradoxes of Translation

Chair: Luisa Simonutti (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Milano)
Aleksandar Trklja (Universität Innsbruck): Intentionality in Translation
Francesca Ervas (Università di Cagliari): Translation and Linguistic Injustice in Analytic Philosophy/Traduzione e ingiustizia linguistica nella filosofia analitica

Chair: Roberto Morani (Università di Firenze)
Luca Illetterati (Università di Padova): Translation as the very form of life (i.e. also: life as the very form of translation)
Philip Wilson (University of East Anglia): The Poetics of Philosophy

March 27th

Chair: Michela Landi (Università di Firenze)
Gianluca Garelli (Università di Firenze): Traduzione e anarchia/Translation and anarchy
Siri Nergaard (University of South-Eastern Norway): The ambivalent nature of translation. A politics of translation

Chair: Silvia Pieroni (Università di Bologna)
Gaetano Chiurazzi (Università di Torino): Traduzione come rifrazione del significato/ Translation as Refraction of the Meaning
Dilek Dizdar (Universität Mainz): Translation before translation or: On the conditions of “translation proper”

Chair: Mario Farina (IUAV Venice)
Sabina Folnović Jaitner (Berlin): For Whom is Philosophy Being Translated? Navigating Translational Frontiers
Carla Canullo (Università di Macerata): Who translates? Translated identity as oikological identity

Chair: Guido Frilli (Università di Firenze)
Tiphaine Samoyault (EHESS Paris): Toward a sustainable translation: Translation and ecology

Final remarks

Auto Draft 44

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/international-conference-translation-after-translation-current-perspectives-and-new-directions-in-philosophy-of-translation-florence-26-27-march-2024/