

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

New Release: Saša Hrnjez, George Hristov (Eds.), “Hegel and Postmodernism” («Philosophy and Society», vol. 35, no. 2, 2024)

We are glad to give notice of the release of the Special Issue of «Philosophy and Society» (2/2024),  entitled Hegel and Postmodernism and edited by Saša Hrnjez (University of Firenze) and George Hristov (Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, Belgrade).
The volume is availabe in OA on this link https://journal.ifdt.bg.ac.rs/fid/issue/view/101

Please find below the table of contents.



Hegel and Postmodernism: A Reengagement (Đorđe Hristov, Saša Hrnjez)

Hegel and Postmodernity: Towards In-Finitude (Bara Kolenc)

Hegel and the End of the End of Grand Narratives (Gary Browning)

Peoples, Nations and Social Heterogeneity. From Hegel to Laclau and Back (Manuel Tangorra)

Hierarchies of the Dialectic: Hegel on Identity and Difference (Ionuț Văduva)

After Hegel: A Postmodern Genealogy of Historical Fiction (Angelo Narváez León, Fernanda Medina Badilla)

The Empire Never Ended: Hegel, Postmodernism and Comedy (Iñigo Baca Bordons)

Madness and Subjective Destitution: Toward a Possible Exit from Capitalism (Cynthia Cruz)

Countering Postmodern Genealogies: Brandom, Hegel and the Logic of Self-Determination (Timo Ennen)

Deleuze and the Hegelian State (Julián Ferreyra)



What is Engagement? (Etienne Balibar)

Heterogeneity of the Freudian Sign: Kristeva’s Semiotic Chora and Lacan’s Notion of Lalangue (Srđan Đurđević)

Towards an An-Archic Ethos (Christos Marneros)



Terry Pinkard, Practice, Power and Form of Life: Sartre’s Appropriation of Hegel and Marx (Novak Malešević)


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/new-release-sasa-hrnjez-george-hristov-eds-hegel-and-postmodernism-philosophy-and-society-vol-35-no-2-2024/