

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Call for Abstract: “Hegel and Effectual Reality: the Logic and its Realisations” (HegeLab, University of Eastern Piedmont, Vercelli)


Hegel and Effectual Reality: the Logic and its Realisations

HegeLab (Hegel Studies Lab, http://www.lett.unipmn.it/hegelab/), hosted by the Department of Humanities at the University of Eastern Piedmont in Vercelli (Italy), and supported by the Philosophy Research Initiative at the University of Western Sydney (Australia), invites submissions for its annual workshop, which will be held on Monday 15 December and Tuesday 16 December 2014 at the University of Eastern Piedmont (Università del Piemonte Orientale) in Vercelli (Italy).

Following the success of the 2013 Workshop, this second annual meeting focuses on the way in which the logical element (Das Logische), whose speculative exposition is included in the Science of Logic, achieves concreteness within Hegel’s Realphilosophie.

The keynote speaker will be Professor Alfredo Ferrarin. Professor Ferrarin worked for several years at Boston University, and he is now Professor of Philosophy at the University of Pisa (Italy). Among his numerous publications on Kant and Hegel, one should recall his monograph Hegel and Aristotle (Cambridge University Press, 2001; previous Italian version Hegel interprete di Aristotele, ETS, 1990).

We invite submissions for the workshop. We especially encourage papers that focus on the relation between the logic and its realization in the world, and on the internal tension (which goes through the entire system) generated by the relation between logical (and hence conceptual) speculation, and concrete (and hence interpretative) analysis. We welcome papers that specifically refer to the Science of Logic, as well as papers that focus on the relation between the logic and the different parts of the system: philosophy of nature and philosophy of spirit in its different articulations (especially history, art, religion, philosophy).

The submission must include:

(1)   Title of the paper

(2)   An abstract that does not exceed 600 words

(3)   Author’s name

(4)   Author’s academic position or student status

(5)   Author’s institutional affiliation

(6)   Email address

Abstracts can be in English, German, Italian or Spanish, and it will be possible to present the papers at the workshop in one of the mentioned languages.

Include all these information in the body of the email, as well as in an attached document in Microsoft Word (.doc), Rich Txt Format (.rtf), or Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf), to hegelab@lett.unipmn.it. Label your attachment as follows: yourLastName_YourFirstName — for example, Hegel_Georg.doc.

Submission deadline: 1st November 2014.

Successful Authors will be informed by 14th November 2013.

For further information, or enquiries, please contact Haris Papoulias (at hegelab@lett.unipmn.it) or Diego Bubbio (d.bubbio@uws.edu.au).

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/call-for-abstract-hegel-and-effectual-reality-the-logic-and-its-realisations-heglab/