

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

CFP: “Kantism beyond the Schools: Recent contributions to the history of Kantism”, thematic issue of «Philosophia Scientiæ»

The Journal Philosophia Scientiæ has opened a call for paper for the next special issue, which will be dedicated to the history of Kantism. All interested scholars can find the details here below.

Thematic issue of Philosophia Scientiæ 20-1 (to appear in February 2016)
Guest Editors: Christophe Bouriau (Université de Lorraine) and Oliver Schlaudt (Universität Heidelberg)
Submission deadline: 01/01/2015
Notification date: 01/04/2015
Final version due: 01/09/2015

This issue of Philosophia Scientiæ aims to enrich our knowledge of the history of post- and neo-Kantianism, by presenting thinkers associated with these trends of thought who played a not insignificant role in 19th and 20th Century philosophy. There has been extensive scholarship dedicated to German idealism (Fichte, Schelling, Hegel) as well as the Marburg and Heidelberg Schools: the issue will focus in particular upon post- and neo-Kantianism out of these well-known trends, and concentrate on thinkers who took Kant as a point of departure in their intellectual paths, and sometimes came to alter important features of his critical approach (e.g., Schopenhauer, Fries, Lange, Renouvier, Helmholtz, Peirce, Riehl, Vaihinger, Couturat, etc.).

Christophe Bouriau and Oliver Schlaudt
Submitted manuscripts should:

–        be written in English, German or French

–        contain an abstract of 10 to 20 lines in English and French

–        not exceed 50.000 characters (including spaces and footnotes)

–        be ready for blind reviewing to be sent to: christophe.bouriau@univ-lorraine.fr

General submissions within this range are welcome.
Philosophia Scientiæ is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. It publishes research relating to epistemology, history and philosophy of science, especially in the field of mathematics, physics, and logic, without excluding any other scientific field. It is published by Kimé Editions (Paris).
Manuscripts should be submitted in French, English, or German, and prepared for anonymous peer review.


The Editorial Board (phscientiae-redac@univ-lorraine.fr)

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/call-for-paper-kantism-beyond-the-schools-recent-contributions-to-the-history-of-kantism-submission-deadline-january-1st/