

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

CFP: “The Good Society” (18th Annual University of Kentucky Graduate Student Conference)

The University of Kentucky (Lexington, United States) has opened a call for papers for the 18th Annual University of Kentucky Graduate Student Conference, which will be devoted to the following topic: “The Good Society”. Here the text of the call:

“Humanity’s social nature presents us with a problem. While people need society to achieve full human flourishing, society is often a place in which people find their freedom constricted. It is not always clear how to reconcile our need for community with our need for individual freedom. Thus, we are faced with the problem of creating a good society that promotes the flourishing and freedom of everyone. In this conference, we hope to explore different aspects of this problem, as well as related issues.

This conference welcomes papers from a wide variety of philosophical traditions, and we also encourage papers from disciplines other than philosophy that speak to the issue of the Good Society. In addition, we welcome high quality papers from both graduate and upper level undergraduate students”.

Keynote speaker: David Sussman (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign).

Submission deadline: January 4, 2015.

Conference date: March 7, 2015.

See the full text of the CFP for further information and details about some possible paper’s topics.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/cfp-the-good-society-18th-annual-university-of-kentucky-graduate-student-conference/