

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Lecture: Alix Cohen on “Kant on the Aesthetic Dimension of Cognition” (London, 28th January 2015)

We are glad to inform you that the Prof. Alix Cohen (University of Edimburgh) will give a lecture in the first meeting organized by London aesthetics forum (LAF), which will be held on Wednesday, 28th January 2015 (h. 16:00) at 1600-1800 Senate House. The lecture is entitled Kant on the aesthetic dimension of cognition.

Below you can find an abstract of the lecture.

According to Kant, ‘There is neither a science of the beautiful, only a critique, nor beautiful science, only beautiful art.’ (CJ 184 [5:304]) This claim is usually understood rather straightforwardly. Science cannot be beautiful since it is all about concepts whilst beauty is defined by its non-conceptual nature. And by the same token, beauty cannot contribute to science since the former is grounded on subjective feelings whilst the latter has objective grounds (e.g., Rueger 1997, Koriako 1999, Wenzel 2001). However, I will argue that Kant’s view of the relationship between science and beauty is not as straightforward as it may seem, and that both of these claims are in fact false.

For further information about the event, see this link.
For further information about the London aesthetics forum, see this link.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/lecture-alix-cohen-on-kant-on-the-aesthetic-dimension-of-cognition-london-28th-january-2015/