

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Workshop: “A Real Dialogue on an Ideal Topic” (29 April 2015, Trieste)

Within the course in History of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy taught by prof. Cinzia Ferrini at the University of Trieste, Kenneth R. Westphal and Paolo Parrini will conduct a ‘real’ dialogue about ‘ideal’ topics concerning truth and rationality, the justification of knowledge and the criticism of both metaphysical realism and radical relativism.

The aim of the workshop is to explore the common ground of idealism, realism and pragmatism by developing both a theoretical and a historical perspective.

For more information about the questions the workshop is going to discuss, see this link.

Place of the event: Sala Atti, ACM/II, Department of Humanities, University of Trieste

Time: 29 April 2015 – 17.00-19.00 



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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/workshop-a-real-dialogue-on-an-ideal-topic-29-april-2015-trieste/