

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Applications Open for Leibniz Summer School, July 7th-16th, 2016

We gladly announce that applications are now open for participating in the Leibniz Summer School 2016. The event will commemorate the tercentenary of Leibniz’s death, it will be divided into two successive sessions, and will be held in Leibniz’s hometowns (Leipzig and Hannover), in the weeks preceding the X. Internationaler Leibniz-Kongress (7th to 12th July and 13th to 16th, respectively).

The Leibniz Summer School is organized by Professors V. De Risi, J. Jost (directors of the Leipzig session), H. Breger (editor of Studia Leibnitiana and representative of the Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Gesellschaft), W. Li (Leibniz Professor in Hannover) and D. Rutherford (director of the Hanover session) with the support and sponsorship of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences in Leipzig, the Leibniz Endowed Professorship at the University of Hannover, and the Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Gesellschaft.

The first session of the School  is open to students who are completing their Master degree and have a special interest in the thought of Leibniz; to PhD students, whose dissertation is about any aspect of Leibniz’s work or the cultural and scientific environment of Leibniz’s times; and to post-doctoral researchers who have obtained their PhD degree within no more than 5 years, whose main field of research is Leibniz studies. The five days of the Leipzig session of the School are dedicated to an intensive series of lectures and discussions on various aspects of Leibniz’s philosophical and scientific activity, given by leading experts in the field (Professors M.R. Antognazza, V. De Risi, D. Garber, M. Mugnai, D. Rutherford and J. Smith).

The second session of the School will take place in Hannover, from Wednesday, the 13th of July, to Saturday, the 16th of July, 2016. This session is the Second International School for PhD Candidates Doing Research on Leibniz, and will be open only to PhD students working on Leibniz or related fields. The four days of the Hannover session of the School are dedicated to a detailed discussion of the dissertations of the participants, and will be led by Donald Rutherford, Maria Rosa Antognazza, and Justin Smith.

Accommodation for all participants will be taken care of by the organizers, as well as travel from Leipzig to Hannover on the 12th for PhD students taking part in both sessions of the School. Limited funds may be available to cover travel expenses for those specifying their traveling budget in their applications. PhDs are welcome to apply for both sessions.

Applications may be submitted electronically by January 1st, 2016. The outcome of the evaluation process will be communicated by February 1st, 2016.

For further information on application procedures, intervening professors and session schedule, please see the Leibniz Summer School website.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/applications-open-for-leibniz-summer-school-july-7th-16th-2016/