

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

“The Concept of Organism in Hegel’s Philosophy of Nature” (by L. Illetterati)

On the occasion of the release of the new volume of Verifiche. Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane (2014, Vol. XLIII – N. 1-4), we are pleased to share a free downloadable version (PDF) of the article ‘The Concept of Organism in Hegel’s Philosophy of Nature”, by Luca Illetterati: L. Illetterati, The Concept of Organism in Hegel’s Philosophy of Nature.

The new volume of Verifiche is conceived as a special issue, that tackles the notion of organism from a historical and conceptual point of view.

Below you can find the abstract of the paper:

I focus my attention on the conceptualization Hegel offers of the organism in his philosophy of nature. The aim of my paper is to show the naturalistic roots of the notions of subject. Through this path I also intend to shed light on the way the connections between these different notions – organism, subject, freedom – are capable of producing a certain re-definition and redetermination of the immediate use of the terms with which these are usually represented in ordinary language and the way they appear, prima facie, in Hegel’s system. This process of conceptual re-definition and re-determination of the terms that are here at stake could also be of some interest in relation to the philosophical debate of these last decades on naturalism and antinaturalism. More specifically, it could shed light on the different ways of inflecting the notion of naturalism in philosophical context.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/materials-the-concept-of-organism-in-hegels-philosophy-of-nature/