

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Book Publication: Guido Frilli, “Passato senza tempo” (Verifiche)

We are proud to announce the publication of the book: Passato senza tempo. Tempo, storia e memoria nella Fenomenologia dello Spirito di Hegel by Dott. Guido Frilli, published by Verifiche.

The book investigates the meaning of time and history in Hegel’s pre-systematic philosophyAlthough the analysis is particularly focused on the Phenomenology of Spirit, Frilli deals with some of the main topics of Hegel’s late Jena period, such as the circularity of dialectic, the relation between the past and the concept of time, and the role of memory. Frilli concludes his work by demostrating that the notion of time, as it emerges from the Phenomenology of Spirit, plays a crucial role in the systematic account of objective thinking.

Dott. Guido Frilli was born in 1987; he completed his PhD in Philosophy at the University of Florence and University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne under the supervision of Professor G. Garelli and Professor J.-F. Kervégan. His field of study embraces Hegelian Philosophy and its later reception (Marx, Kojève, E. Weil), Practical and Political Philosophy in Ancient and Modern Thought (Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, L. Strauss), with particular regard to Dialectical Thinking, Self-Consciousness and Subjectivity.

We are glad to share a free downloadable version (PDF) of  the book’s introduction.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/book-publication-guido-frilli-passato-senza-tempo-verifiche/