

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Workshop: “Judgment: Act and Object” (London, July 4th-5th, 2016)

We are glad to inform that the International Workshop “Judgment: Act and Object” will be held at the New College of the Humanities, London, on July 4th-5th, 2016.



Judgment is a mental act: more specifically, it is the activation of belief; and its object is a proposition.
Orthodoxy has it that a proposition is an abstract entity, existing independently of any mental or linguistic act, intrinsically possessing truth-conditions, and therefore susceptible of truth or falsity. It is also widely held that these entities can be the objects not only of cognitive attitudes, such as belief and knowledge, but also of conative ones, such as desire and intention – that one and the same thing can be e.g. believed and desired.
Opposed to this view is one on which the object of judgment is dependent upon the act itself: perhaps, for example, what one judges when one judges is essentially some type of judgment, much as what one dances when one dances is essentially some type of dance. Such a view would leave open the questions whether objects of judgment can also be objects of desire, for instance, and whether the latter are truth-apt.
This workshop will investigate these and related questions about judgment – both the act itself and its object – and the history of the attempts to answer them. It will take place over two days, and will bring together leading experts on judgment and the history of its philosophy.


4th July
10.00–11.15 Christopher Peacocke (Columbia, NCH, and SAS, London)
Title TBC

11.45–13.00 Maria van der Schaar (Leiden)
The Traditional Notion of Proposition and Leibniz’ Sign of Assertive Force

14.00–15.15 Alexandra Newton (Illinois)
Kant on Judgment

15.45–17.00 Friederike Moltmann (CNRS and NYU)
Attitudinal and Modal Objects

5th July
10.00–11.15 Daniel Morgan (Barcelona)
Are De Se Judgments Shareable?

11.45–13.00 Sandra Lapointe (McMaster)
Bolzano on Judging and Doing

14.00–15.15 Mark Textor (KCL)
Brentano and Frege on Judgment and Truth

15.45–17.00 Simon Blackburn (Cambridge, NCH, and UNC, Chapel Hill)
The Common Pursuit of True Judgment

Registration and Contact

Attendance is free but registration is required. To register, please email nch.judgment@gmail.com by Saturday 18th June giving your name, institutional affiliation, and any dietary requirements.

Inquiries can be addressed to the workshop organisers, Brian Ball and Christoph Schuringa, by email in the format: firstname.lastname@nchlondon.ac.uk.

For further information, see this link.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/workshop-judgment-act-and-object-london-july-4th-5th-2016/