

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Workshop: “Evil After Kant” (University of Southampton, June 6th, 2016)

We are glad to announce the International Workshop on Evil After Kant, that will be held at the University of Southampton (Building 65 Room 1173, Avenue Campus, University of Southampton, Highfield Road, Southampton. SO17 1BF), on June 6th, 2016.


In his later writings on religion, such as On the Miscarriage of All Philosophical Trials in Theodicy (1791) and the politically-suppressed Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason (1793), Immanuel Kant provides instruction both on how to interpret the evils present in the natural world, and on how to understand the propensity towards evil within human beings. This one-day workshop will focus on treatments of evil and related phenomena in the history of German philosophy from this period in Kant’s thought onwards, with special focus on the philosophies of Hegel, Schelling, Nietzsche, and Adorno.

The philosophical questions that this workshop hopes to address include the following:
• What is the nature and significance of evil?
• What is the relationship between freedom and evil?
• In what way, if any, might the presence of suffering in life and the world be valuable?
• Does the existence of certain evils place certain demands upon philosophical inquiry?

Confirmed Speakers
Andrew Bowie (Royal Holloway)
Chris Janaway (Southampton)
Martin Sticker (Göttingen)
Gudrun von Tevenar (Birkbeck)

David Woods (Southampton)

Information and Registration
Attendance is free and open, but you are politely asked to register. Please contact David Woods (David.Woods@soton.ac.uk) in order to register, as well as for any other information, including information about childcare and accessibility.

This workshop is supported by the Southampton Ethics Centre and the University of Southampton, Faculty of Humanities.

For further information, please follow the link below:

Workshop: "Evil After Kant" (University of Southampton, June 6th, 2016)

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/workshop-evil-after-kant-university-of-southampton-june-6th-2016/