

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Book Release: “Metaphysik und ihre Kritik bei Hegel und Derrida”, Johannes-Georg Schülein (Meiner, Hamburg 2016)

We are very glad to announce the release of the book “Metaphysik und ihre Kritik bei Hegel und Derrida”, by Johannes Schülein (Meiner: Hamburg 2016, 392 pp.). Below you can find an abstract of the book and the link to the website of the publisher.

Book Release: "Metaphysik und ihre Kritik bei Hegel und Derrida", Johannes-Georg Schülein (Meiner, Hamburg 2016)


The buzzwords enddecline, and overcoming of metaphysics still count among the most widespread ideas in philosophy and the humanities. With regard to metaphysics and its alleged end, Hegel and Derrida may seem to represent the extremes. In its strife for an all-encompassing theory of reality Hegel’s philosophical system is often perceived as the last of many great metaphysical projects in the history of European philosophy. Derrida, on the other hand, is widely seen as a proponent of a type of post-metaphysical thinking that stands, in addition, for a radical anti-hegelian view. This book shows, by way of an investigation into Derrida’s readings of Hegel, that the widespread juxtaposition of Hegel’s supposed metaphysical and Derrida’s putative post-metaphysical thinking is untenable. In truth, both thinkers do not only develop positions that remain critical of metaphysics – with regard to the role of language and difference in metaphysics, Hegel does also anticipate essential features of Derrida’s critique.

For more information here the website of the publisher.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/book-release-metaphysik-und-ihre-kritik-bei-hegel-und-derrida-johannes-georg-schulein-meiner-hamburg-2016/