

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

cfp: Special Issue «Contemporary Ethics and Politics: Kant Ressonances» (Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, Volume 75, No. 1)

We are glad to remember that the call for papers of the Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia (April 2019) on Contemporary Ethics and Politics: Kant Resonances is open. The issue will be edited by António Costa (Universidade Católica Portuguesa).

The deadline for the submissions is on November 30th, 2018.

Please find below the complete text of the call.


The Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia will publish in April 2019 a thematic issue dedicated to Contemporary Ethics and Politics on a Kantian perspective.

The Kantian philosophy, both ethically and politically, assumes nowadays an increasing interest and importance. Therefore, there is a need and an urgency to study this philosopher in the sense of looking for bridges that can conciliate ethics with politics. That is, the return to political reflection also requires a return to reflection on the ethical principles that should guide political praxis.

The ethical, moral and political issues of the justice and the international law, etc., must be nowadays a reason for reflection, raising problems that go beyond appearances and the senses and that question our way of thinking rationality.

The need to accomplish the duty, in the Kantian sense, and never use the person as a mean, but as an end in itself, must lead us to a deeper reflection on the human condition, its dignity and its absolute value.

Politics, in dealing with the common good, should not treat man in the merely instrumental or utilitarian sense. For politics to have moral value must guide its praxis by the principle of special dignity that applies to all rational beings. The human being has intrinsic value, has its own value and cannot be used solely by virtue of its greater or lesser utility.

Instructions for Authors:

Submission Form (Online):

For more informations, please write to: rpf.aletheia@gmail.com

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/cfp-special-issue-contemporary-ethics-and-politics-kant-ressonances-revista-portuguesa-de-filosofia-volume-75-no-1/