

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

New release: «Studi Kantiani» (XXXI, 2018)

We are pleased to announce the publication of the 2018 volume of «Studi Kantiani».

The issue contains the following contributions:


Mirella CapozziLa prima antinomia di Kant: questioni logiche 11

Claudia JáureguiCambio y permanencia: sobre la posibilidad de conciliar el argumento de la Primera Analogía de la Experiencia con el de la Refutación del Idealismo 43

Paolo GodaniGli elementi dell’esperienza. Note su Kant e il problema dell’individuazione 59

Patrick R. LelandKant on Consciousness in Animals 75

Fernando MoledoThe Fact of Pure Reason: The Foundation of the Categorical Imperative in Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason 109

Michael OberstThree Objections against Phenomenalist Interpretations of Kant Defeated 119


Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo MarquesCommentary to Kant’s Annotation on a Musical Example by Eberhard 139


Sorin BaiasuDignity, Law and Value: Enriching Sensen’s Strong Priority Account 155

Alessandro PinzaniIs a Kantian Foundation of Human Rights Possible (and Desirable)? 167


Immanuel KantLezioni sul diritto naturale (Naturrecht Feyerabend), a cura di N. Hinske e G. Sadun Bordoni (N. De Federicis) 175

Ernst CassirerVorlesungen und Vorträge zu Kant, hg. von Christian Möckel (M. Ferrari) 181

Emre KazimKant on Conscience: A Unified Approach to Moral Self-consciousness (U. Eldem) 187

Paolo GrillenzoniKant e la scienza 1755-1760. Parte I (S. De Bianchi) 191

Konstantin PollokKant’s Theory of Normativity. Exploring the Space of Reason (L. Filieri) 197

BOLLETTINO BIBLIOGRAFICO, a cura di Luigi Filieri e Lorenzo Sala 201



Direttore / Editor : Claudio La Rocca (claudio.larocca@unige.it)
Segreteria di redazione / Assistant Editors: Gabriele Gava (gabriele.gava@gmail.com), Roberta Picardi (roberta.picardi@unimol.it)
Redattori / Editorial Assistants: Luigi Filieri, Lorenzo Sala


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/new-release-studi-kantiani-xxxi-2018/