

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Sandra Viviana Palermo: “Más allá de los límites del pensar discursivo. Notas sobre la figura del entendimiento intuitivo en la Critíca del la facultad de juzar” (Verifiche XLII, 2018, N. 1-2, p. 5-37)

Segnaliamo la disponibilità in Open Access di un articolo di Sandra Viviana Palermo, intitolato Más allá de los límites del pensar discursivo. Notas sobre la figura del entendimiento intuitivo en la Critíca del la facultad de juzar, uscito sull’ultimo numero di Verifiche (XLII, 2018, N.1-2, pp. 5-37).

Di seguito, l’abstract:

The paper analyses the Kantian use of the notion of intuitive understanding as it appears in the third Critique. This analysis will highlight both problematic and fertility of this notion whose functions differ according to its systematic employment. In fact, according to the role that such understanding fulfills within the Kantian conceptual frame, it assumes different cognitive configurations, namely, (a) it shows that the principle of Zweckmäßigkeit is a valid transcendental presupposition only for our power of judgment, (b) it makes explicit that while purposiveness has just subjective validity, it is essential to understand specific natural beings; (c) it provides a model of synthetic totality which is accessible only trough the principle of purposiveness.

È possibile scaricare l’articolo completo a questo link.



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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/open-access-week-sandra-viviana-palermo-on-mas-alla-de-los-limites-del-pensar-discursivo-notas-sobre-la-figura-del-entendimiento-intuitivo-en-la-critica-del-la-facultad-de-juzar/