

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

CFP: The Main Work. 200 Years of Schopenhauer’s “World as Will and Representation” (Frankfurt, 23rd-26th October 2019)

We are glad to announce that on behalf of the international congress The Main Work. 200 Years of Schopenhauer’s “World as Will and Representation”, which will take place at the University of Frankfurt from 23rd to 26th October 2019, the Schopenhauer Society calls for submission of supplementary papers regarding the four main aspects of Schopenhauer’s philosophy: 1. Epistemology, 2. Metaphysics, 3. Aesthetics, and 4. Ethics.

Deadline for the submission of abstract is March 15th, 2019.

Below you can find further information of the event.


The papers should refer critically and with respect to Schopenhauer’s The World as Will and Representation to the four main paper of the congress, the abstracts of which are attached to the call for the papers: 1. Schopenhauer’s “Erkenntnistheorie” (Jens Lemanski), 2. Schopenhauer’s Metaphysics: Von der Intuition zur Induktion (Dieter Biernbacher), 3. (Sandra Shapshay), 4. Schopenhauer über Strafen (Oliver Hallich).

At first we call for submission of abstracts to the supplementary papers before March 15th 2019. The application shall explain the motivation for participation (the relation of the own work to the subject). A short CV is also welcome. Both, abstracts and papers may be in German or in English and should not exceed 2 pages.

Successful applicants will be informed in time so that there will be enough time to elaborate a paper of about 20 minutes length. The Schopenhauer Society will meet travel expenses and accommodation for the whole congress.

Submission by mail or e-mail to: Schopenhauer-Forschungsstelle Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität D-55099 Mainz schopenhauer@uni-mainz.de

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/cfp-the-main-work-200-years-of-schopenhauers-world-as-will-and-representation-frankfurt-23rd-26th-oct-2019/