

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

HSGB Annual Conference: “Hegel and Freedom” (2-3 September, 2019)

We are glad to inform you that the annual conference of the Hegel Society of Great Britain will be held at St Edmund Hall (Oxford) on September 2-3, 2019. The topic of the conference will be “Hegel and Freedom”.

The registration deadline is 8th August 2019.

You can find the conference programme below.



Monday, 2nd September

9.00 Conference registration

9.30-11.00: John McCumber (UCLA): “Freedom and the Logic of Identity in Hegel”

Coffee break

11.30-1.00: Eliza Starbuck Little (University of Chicago): “The Self-Exhibition of Freedom: Hegel’s Reinterpretation of Kantian Reflective Judgment”

1.00 Lunch

2.00-3.30: Alison Stone (Lancaster University): “Freedom and Nature in Hegel and Schelling”

Coffee break

4.00-5.30: Héctor Ferreiro (Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina): “Hegel’s Compatibilist Theory of Freedom”

5.45-7.15: Robert Stern (University of Sheffield): “‘This is the very essence of the Reformation: Man is in his very nature destined to be free’. Hegel, Luther and Freedom”

7.30 Dinner

8.45 AGM of HSGB


Tuesday, 3rd September

9.30-11.00: Angelica Nuzzo (Brooklyn College, CUNY): “Hegel on the Actuality of Freedom: Beyond Ideal Theory”

Coffee break

11.30-12.15: Simon Schüz (University of Tübingen): “Being Free as Setting Free: The Balancing of Realism and Anti-realism about Moral Norms in Hegel’s Critique of ‘Conscience’”

12.15-1.00:Ana-Silvia Munte (University of Tübingen): “Spirit’s Liberation from Nature — A Matter of the System”

1.00 Lunch

2.00-3.30: Thomas Khurana (University of Essex): “The Life of Freedom: Hegel’s Dialectical Naturalism”

3.30 Conference ends



For further information, please, visit the conference website.


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/hsgb-annual-conference-hegel-and-freedom-2-3-september-2019/