

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

CFP: Special Issue of Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy: “Kant and Contemporary Epistemology”

We are glad to inform that a call for papers is now open for a special issue of “Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy”. The issue is titled Kant and Contemporary Epistemology, and guest editors are Sven Bernecker, Lisa Benossi and Jakob Ohlhorst.

Deadline for submissions is on March 15th, 2020.

Please find below more details on the call and on the special issue.



Few philosophers are discussed as frequently and intensively as Immanuel Kant. Discussions of Kant are commonplace in virtually all of the sub-disciplines of analytic philosophy with the exception of epistemology. Even bracketing differences in terminology, Kant’s epistemological ideas seem foreign to the contemporary discussion in a way that, for instance, the epistemological ideas of Aristotle, Descartes, and the British Empiricists do not. The goal of this special issue is to build bridges – or where such bridges exist, to reinforce them – between contemporary epistemology and Kantian philosophy.

Possible topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Transcendental arguments, Strawson, Sellars, and McDowell;
  • Skepticism and Kant’s refutation of idealism;
  • Kant’s theory of Fürwahrhalten (assent);
  • Degrees of belief and other doxastic states;
  • Kant’s distinction between cognition and knowledge and his theory of knowledge;
  • Gettier-like cases and safety in Kant’s theory of assent;
  • Contemporary perspectives on transcendental idealism.

Invited contributions
The special issue will include essays by:

•   Robert Audi, University of Notre Dame

•   Jessica Leech, Kings College London

•   Mark Siebel, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg

Important dates
Submission deadline: March 15, 2020
Target publication date of the print edition: Spring-Summer 2022. Essays can be published online before this date.

How to submit
Please send your paper to KCELAHP@protonmail.com. Accompanied by an abstract of roughly 100 words written in English. Papers should generally be between 8.000-10.000 words including the bibliography. However, if the density and number of arguments justifies more than 10.000 words we are happy to consider longer pieces. We accept the following formats: WORD, WORD-Perfect, TEX. If you use Open Office please send your file in rich text format (*.rtf). Should your document contain many logical symbols or special characters including Greek letters etc., then please provide us also with a PDF version of your document. For more detailed instructions on formatting, please see here.

About the journal
Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy aims to provide an international forum for articles deploying the resources of modern logical analysis in dealing with historical philosophical texts. The topics discussed may encompass all areas and periods from the history of philosophy. However, some volumes have a thematic focus. The historical orientation of the articles and the use of logical resources (albeit not necessarily highly formal ones) as an interpretative method are central aspects of our project. We expect that the journal shed new light on classical texts, making them more fruitful in discussing the problems of contemporary philosophy. The works of the history of philosophy should thus not only be honored as historical documents, but first and foremost be taken seriously from a philosophical point of view.

For queries, please contact: KCELAHP@protonmail.com.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/cfp-kant-and-contemporary-epistemology-special-issue-of-logical-analysis-and-history-of-philosophy/