

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

New Release: Gregory S. Moss: “Hegel’s Foundation Free Metaphysics: The Logic of Singularity” (Routledge, 2020)

We are pleased to give notice of the release of the volume Hegel’s Foundation Free Metaphysics: The Logic of Singularity by Gregory S. Moss (Routledge, 2020).

From the publisher’s website:

Contemporary philosophical discourse has deeply problematized the possibility of absolute existence. Hegel’s Foundation Free Metaphysics demonstrates that by reading Hegel’s Doctrine of the Concept in his Science of Logicas a form of Absolute Dialetheism, Hegel’s logic of the concept can account for the possibility of absolute existence. Through a close examination of Hegel’s concept of self-referential universality in his Science of Logic, Moss demonstrates how Hegel’s concept of singularity is designed to solve a host of metaphysical and epistemic paradoxes central to this problematic. He illustrates how Hegel’s revolutionary account of universality, particularity, and singularity offers solutions to six problems that have plagued the history of Western philosophy: the problem of nihilism, the problem of instantiation, the problem of the missing difference, the problem of absolute empiricism, the problem of onto-theology, and the third man regress. Moss shows that Hegel’s affirmation and development of a revised ontological argument for God’s existence is designed to establish the necessity of absolute existence. By adopting a metaphysical reading of Richard Dien Winfield’s foundation free epistemology, Moss critically engages dominant readings and contemporary debates in Hegel scholarship. Hegel’s Foundation Free Metaphysics will appeal to scholars interested in Hegel, German Idealism, 19th– and 20th-century European philosophy, metaphysics, epistemology, and contemporary European thought.

You can find more information here.

New Release: Gregory S. Moss: "Hegel’s Foundation Free Metaphysics: The Logic of Singularity" (Routledge, 2020)

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/new-release-gregory-s-moss-hegels-foundation-free-metaphysics-the-logic-of-singularity-routledge-2020/