

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

New Release: Mladen Dolar (ed.), “Hegel 250 – Too Late?” (Problemi International, 4/2020)

We are very glad to give notice of the release of the special issue of Problemi International (4/2020) Hegel 250 – Too Late? edited by Mladen Dolar (Analecta, 2020) and co-published in partnership with the Goethe-Institut Ljubljana.

The issue arose from Hegel’s celebration year 2020, for the largest part from the conference Hegel’s 250th Anniversary: Too Late?, which took place in Ljubljana in September 2020. The conference was initiated and organized by International Hegelian Association Aufhebung, Goethe-Institut in Ljubljana and The Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana.

The volume is available online as open-access pdf at this link.

Below you can find the Table of Contents of the volume.


Dr. Árpád-Andreas Sölter, Hegel Reborn. A Brief Introduction to HEGEL 250 —TOO LATE? 

Ana Jovanović, Bara Kolenc, Urban Šrimpf, Goran Vranešević, Hegel’s Time!

Nadia Bou Ali and Ray Brassier, After Too Late: The Endgame of Analysis

Mladen Dolar, What’s the Time? On Being Too Early or Too Late in Hegel’s Philosophy 

Luca Illetterati, Nature’s Externality: Hegel’s Non-Naturalistic Naturalism

Zdravko Kobe, The Time of Philosophy: On Hegel’s Conception of Modern Philosophy

Bara Kolenc, Is It Too Late? 

Christian Krijnen, “What, If Anything, Has Not Been Called Philosophy or Philosophizing?” On the Relevance of Hegel’s Conception of a Philosophical History of Philosophy 

Gregor Moder, What Is to Be Done: On the Theatricality of Power

Sebastian Rödl, Thinking Nothing 

Frank Ruda, The Purlieu Letter. Toward a Hegelian Theory of Conditioning 

Jure Simoniti, Hegel and the Opaque Core of History

Árpád-Andreas Sölter, Against Leviathan: Hegel’s, Fichte’s, and Schiller’s Critique of Modernity, Alienation, and the State 

Klaus Vieweg, The Athenian Owl, and the Gallic Rooster—Dusk or Dawn? 

Sven-Olov Wallenstein, Adorno’s Beethoven: Undoing Hegel From Within 

Slavoj Žižek, Hegel In the Future, Hegel On the Future


For more information please visit the publisher’s website.


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/new-release-mladen-dolar-eds-hegel-250-too-late-problemi-international-4-2020/