

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

CFP: “Legal, economic, and political in Hegel’s Philosophy of Law” (Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History)

We are glad to give notice that the Call for Papers Legal, economic, and political in Hegel’s Philosophy of Law for the December 2021 dossier of Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History, guest edited by Pablo Pulgar Moya (Universidad Católica Raúl Silva Henríquez, Chile/ Institut für kritische Theorie) and Héctor Ferreiro (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Argentina/Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de Argentina) is now open.

The deadline for submitting an article is set on October 15, 2021.

Submissions should be in English, Spanish, or Portuguese.

Info: resistances@religacion.com

Please find below more information concerning the call.


The legal, economic, and political in Hegel’s Philosophy of Law.


On the occasion of the bicentenary of Hegel’s first publication, Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts oder Naturrecht und Staatswissenschaft, we announce the call for articles or reviews  for this Dossier dedicated to this work.

The Philosophy of Right (1821) stands out as a controversial, polemic and still very current text, which has generated debates, positions, criticisms and praises in different areas: legal, economic and political. The importance of this work lies not only in the characterization of a debate exclusively on the juridical or normative, but it is a fundamental treatise for the philosophical dispute of the unity of such characteristic elements as the idea of law, freedom, the State, etc. Since the publication of this treatise, an organicity can be glimpsed that has been interpreted as a systematic program of law that updates the idea of freedom, influencing his contemporaries and successors.

If in On the Scientific Ways of Treating Natural Law (1802-1803), Hegel attempts to overcome the doctrine of natural law, still very much in vogue at the time, it is in his Philosophy of Right that he programmatically considers the unfolding and exposition of “right” as the genetic expression of each of the moments of the idea of freedom that finally returns to itself, now mature and reconciled, in the modern state. The State as a reconciling organism of a civil society in conflict (re)presents one of the most lively and vivifying problematics, which is a hinge not of atomized individuals, but insofar as they make themselves members of the ethical community.

The path of exposition, however, accounts not only for the genesis of public institutions, but also for the unfolding of the individual as a person, as a subject and as a member of a community. Of course, the congeniality of individual, singular and universal will is a magnanimous challenge to the administration of power by means of law itself. But how can this be understood without first taking into account the folds of law itself? Only by returning to the reflective exercise around the dimensions of law can we make plausible a discussion of the organic composition of the juridical, economic and political within the social conflict. It thus becomes feasible to think about freedom within the public order and practical work, either affirmatively or critically. The particularities of the legal composition, the relevance of a resolute economic integration in the form of a system of needs [Bedürfnisse], the emergence of a political philosophy thus vindicate the binding rational content of law in its speculative form.

The purpose of this dossier is to invite outstanding thinkers who, through their reflective work, give an account of this actuality, this modernity, in the suggested fields of the Philosophy of Right, thus showing the necessary interrelation of its moments. The aim of this thematic description is to outline the systematic reconstruction of law, not as a mere correspondence (Entsprechung) between category and thing, but resting on the plot, and subplots, of self-deployed freedom itself.


As a non-exclusive proposal of thematic axes, we list:

  • Debates between the concepts of subjective and objective freedom.
  • Characteristics of the theory of justice
  • Normative and practical aspects
  • The iusphilosophical proposal
  • Disciplinary economics versus economic philosophy in Hegel
  • Characterization of civil society
  • Law and political economics
  • The dispute of modernity
  • Critical analysis and/or reception of the philosophy of law.
  • Political community
  • The political as philosophy within the work.


We are convinced that this dossier will be an instrument for debate and will allow a dialogue not only among experts in such work, but also permeate the dialogue with various disciplines. This issue is intended to encourage speculative, political, juridical and/or critical reflection on the current reconstruction of Hegel’s practical philosophy.



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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/cfp-legal-economic-and-political-in-hegels-philosophy-of-law-resistances-journal-of-the-philosophy-of-history/