

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Conference: “Hegel and the Philosophy of Right” (Malaga, October 13-15 2021)

We are glad to give notice of the 7th International Conference of the Spanish Society for Hegelian Studies Hegel and the Philosophy of Right, which will be held at the University of Malaga on October 13-15th, 2021.

Registration. For the benefit of lower registration rates, it is strongly recommended to make early registration by September 1st, 2021. All registrations received after this time will be considered as on-site registration. To registrate, please send an email to ortigosaandres@gmail.com. The registration fee is 100 euros (before September 1, 2021), 150 euros (after that date).

For further information you can also visit the website.

Below you find the program of the conference.


The Conference programme includes plenaries and parallel sessions with paper presentations.

Wednesday, October 13th

10:00 Opening ceremony:

  • Institutional Responsible of the University
  • María del Carmen Paredes, Presidenta de la Sociedad Española de Estudios sobre Hegel.
  • Juan J. Padial, Universidad de Málaga, organizador del Congreso.

10:30 María del Carmen Paredes, University of Salamanca, Spain, La voluntad en la Filosofía del Derecho
11:15. Discussion (15’)
12:00 Sections for contributed papers
Room A

  • Markos Haile Feseha, Hegel’s Defence of Constitutional Monarchy in the Philosophy of Right
  • Markus Döller, Two Forms of Freedom
  • Shterna Friedman, Freedom and Totality: Hegel on the Metaphysics of Freedom
  • Paul Giladi, The Dragon Seed Project: Dismantling the Master’s House with the Master’s Tools?

Room B

  • Matteo Cavalleri, L’indipendenza relata di stato e religione in Hegel. Il ruolo di Gesinnung, Andacht e verità nella mediazione di universale e particolare
  • Giulia Battistoni, K. H. Gros’ Über die Ideen der Alten vom Schicksal as a source for Hegel’s understanding of the concepts of imputation, freedom and destiny in his Philosophy of Right
  • Ibon Lourido Rodríguez, El concepto hegeliano del Estado en la crítica marxista
  • Héctor Ferreiro, Sentido y función del ‘espíritu libre’ (Enz3 §§ 481–482) en la Filosofía del espíritu de Hegel

17:00 Sections for contributed papers
Room A

  • Antonio Da Re, Nicolai Hartmann e la revisione del concetto di ´spirito oggettivo`hegeliano
  • Ioanna Bartsidi, L’ironie du présent: une lecture du §140 des Principes de la philosophie du droit a partir de Foucault
  • Guilel Treiber, Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, Hippolyte Taine and Crowd Politics: From Pöbel to Lumpenproletariat and Beyond
  • Bartosz Wójcik, Dialectic of Rabble, or limits of Hegel’s Political Philosophy

Room B

  • Apostolos Paralikas, Hegel’s conception of the State
  • Günter Zöller, Forms of Freedom. Hegel on Civic and Political Liberty
  • Léna Ganz, Sur la critique du devoir-être dans la préface des Principes de la philosophie du droit. Pour une approche pluraliste de l’anti-normativisme hégélien
  • Ricci Vittorio, Il ‘diritto’ del soggetto alla sua ‘sostanzialità’. La ‘dialettica’ tra infinitezza e finitezza del soggetto nella Filosofia del diritto hegeliana

19:00 Michael Quante, Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Alemania, Hegels Rechtsphilosophie: eine askriptivistische Institutionenethik
19:45 Discussion (15´)

Thursday, October 14th

09:30 Edmundo Balsemao, Universidad de Coimbra, Portugal, A Individuação da Sociedade Moderna
10:15 Ignacio Aymerich, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, España, Una lectura de la filosofía del derecho de Hegel desde las ciencias sociales contemporáneas
11:00 Discussion (30’)
11:30 Coffee Break
12:00 Salvi Turró, Universidad Central de Barcelona, España, Entre derecho abstracto y moralidad: propiedad y plebe
12:45 Roberto Morani, Università degli Studi Firenze, Italia, Eticità e seconda natura nella Filosofia del diritto di Hegel
13:15 Discussion (30’)
17:00 Sections for contributed papers
Room A

  • Bernardo Ferro, Reason, Reality and Actuality: On the normative framework of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right
  • Kaveh Boveiri, Totality in the Science of Logic as an Indispensable Presupposition of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right

Room B

  • Ana Vieyra Ramírez, Realismo axiológico emergente. Una propuesta a partir de la filosofía política de Hegel
  • Sergio Montecinos, ¿Existe un concepto de trabajo en la Doctrina del Concepto de la Lógica de Hegel?

18:00 Juan José Padial, Universidad de Málaga, España, Institución, individuo y libertad en la Filosofía del Derecho de Hegel
18:45 Edgar Maraguat, Universidad de Valencia, España, Lógica, autodeterminación y monarquía hereditaria
19:15 Discussion (30’)
19:45 Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Estudios sobre Hegel

Friday, October 15th

09:30 Sections for contributed papers
Room A

  • Clara Ramas San Miguel, Desde las ruinas de la Modernidad. En torno a Estado y sociedad civil en Hegel y Marx
  • Danilo Vaz-Curado Ribeiro de Menezes Costa, Presupuestos lógico-ontológicos de la Familia en la Filosofía del Derecho de Hegel
  • Federico Orsini, A definição hegeliana do Estado como lógica da efetividade
  • Ricard Sapena Mayola, La idea de comunidad y el espíritu moderno. Una propuesta de lectura de la Filosofía del derecho
  • Pierre Manimont, À l’intérieur de la personne: l’articulation logico-politique du problème hégélien de la personnalité

Room B

  • Sebastian Böhm, Die Moral der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft
  • Emre Ebeturk, Does Hegel’s Monarch Follow His Logic of The Idea?
  • Dietmar Heidemann, The logical background of the Rational-Actual Dictum in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right
  • Armando Manchisi, The Logic of Self-Realization in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right
  • Mario Pati, Il concetto si fa io. Sulle radici logiche delle nozioni di persona e personalità in Hegel

12:00 Jean-François Kervegan, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, París, Francia, Right and Law in Hegel’s Rechtsphilosophie
12:45 Gabriel Amengual, Universidad de las Islas Baleares, España, El Estado Social en la Filosofía del Derecho de Hegel
13:30 Discussion 30’
14:00 Closing ceremony

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/conference-hegel-and-the-philosophy-of-right-malaga-october-13-15-2021/