

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

HPD – HOLIDAYS: Eleonora Cugini, “La Wirklichkeit, o le disavventure della libertà. Un percorso tra la Critica del giudizio teleologico di Kant e la Dottrina dell’essenza di Hegel” (PUP, 2020)

hegelpd takes a summer holiday. In this period we will be sharing recent essays and reviews by our research group. 


We are pleased to share the essay La Wirklichkeit, o le disavventure della libertà. Un percorso tra la Critica del giudizio teleologico di Kant e la Dottrina dell’essenza di Hegel by Eleonora Cugini, published in the volume Morality, Ethics, Religion between Classical German Philosophy and Contemporary Thought. Studies in Honor of Francesca Menegoni edited by Luca IlletteratiArmando ManchisiMichael QuanteAlessandro Esposito and Barbara Santini (Padova University Press, 2020).


Here below you can find the abstract of the text:

The paper aims to highlight how the notion of Wirklichkeit in Hegel’s Science of Logic overturns the traditional metaphysical notion of “essence”, i.e. that dichotomous perspective that lacerates the essence alternatively with respect to reality or its knowledge. I will try to show how Hegel’s approach, taking up Kant’s elaboration of the modal issue, ultimately shows the core of the problem related to the interweaving of possibility – necessity – (actual) reality such as the one related to freedom and its realization, pivoting around the dialectic of two notions: that of life/contradiction and that of necessity/liberty. The argumentation will follow the theoretical-critical method, in particular that of immanent critique, showing how it allows to grasp the method followed by Hegel for the elaboration of the notion of Wirklichkeit.


You can download the pdf of the essay from the button below.


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/hpd-holidays-eleonora-cugini-la-wirklichkeit-o-le-disavventure-della-liberta-un-percorso-tra-la-critica-del-giudizio-teleologico-di-kant-e-la-dottrina-dellessenza-di-hegel-pup-202/