

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

New Release: “Aisthesis. Pratiche, linguaggi e saperi dell’estetico” (Vol 14, No 2, 2021)

We are pleased to give notice of the release of the latest issue of Aisthesis. Pratiche, linguaggi e saperi dell’estetico (Vol 14, No 2, 2021). The issue is titled Finalism in judgment, finalism of judging, and is edited by Fabrizio Desideri, Mariagrazia Portera (in collaboration with Fausto Fraisopi).

You can download the full issue at this link.

Below you can find the table of content.



Stefano Velotti, A New Image of Humanity? A Transcendental in the Making

Francesco Vitale, The Teleological Program. Ernst Mayr’s Teleonomy from Philosophy to Cybernetics (or Kant’s Revenge)

Luigi Filieri, Kant on the Purposiveness of the Reflecting Power of Judgment

Lorenzo Sala, Systematicity, Purposiveness, Necessity: from the transcendental deduction of the ideas to the transcendental deduction of the principle of purposiveness of nature

Antonio Branca, From the first to the third Critique. Judgment sensible position and Kant’s concept of Zweckmäßigkeit

Andrea Lanza, Husserl’s Teleologie der «tiefen» Assoziationen as Foundation of the Theory of Judgment in comparison with Millikan’s Teleosemantic Theory

Onerva Kiianlinna, Contradiction That Never Was: Epigenesis versus Modularity in Evolutionary Aesthetics

Barbara Santini, Teleology as a way to religion. Hölderlin and the antinomy of judgement



Fabrizio Desideri, Labyrinth, Ruin, Junkspace, Monad: dialectical images of the contemporary city

Francesca Perotto, Filter Bubbles. Art and digital worlds

Caterina Zaira Laskaris, Aesthetic experience as a framing of reality: the impact of digital media on visual perception, between pandemic context and museum approach



Ricardo Ibarlucía, The The Bride Machine: Duchamp’s Theory of Art Revisited

Mariya Veleva, Robert Smithson’s aesthetics and the future of Earth Art

David Alvarogonzàlez, The Classification of the Substantive Arts

Carmelo Colangelo, Salvation in the rhythm? Crisis and limitation in Henry Maldiney


New Release: "Aisthesis. Pratiche, linguaggi e saperi dell’estetico" (Vol 14, No 2, 2021)

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/new-release-aisthesis-pratiche-linguaggi-e-saperi-dellestetico-vol-14-no-2-2021/