

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

New Release: «Verifiche» (L, 2/2021): “Feminist Metaphilosophy” (ed. by Valentina Bortolami and Giovanna Miolli)

We are very glad to announce the release of a new issue of «Verifiche. Rivista di scienze umane» (L, 2/2021) devoted to Feminist Metaphilosophy. The volume is edited by Valentina Bortolami and Giovanna Miolli. 

Below you can find the table of contents of the issue or download it here.


Saggi / Articles

  • Valentina Bortolami and Giovanna Miolli, Feminist Metaphilosophy: An Introduction
  • Kristie Dotson, Metaphilosophy: A What and A Why
  • Danila Suárez Tomé and Diana Maffía, ¿Es posible una recuperación de la fenomenología desde la filosofía
  • Alejandra Castillo, De la revuelta feminista, la historia y Julieta Kirkwood
  • Luciana Cadahia, Philosophy, Feminism and the Popular Field in Latin America
  • Karen Glavic, La cita feminista: Nelly Richard entre feminismos, crítica cultural y filosofía chilena
  • Rachel Falkenstern, On the Uses and Abuses of Doing Feminist Philosophy with Hegel
  • Damiano Migliorini, Come nottola al tramonto: ipotesi su metodo e scopo delle future filosofie femministe
  • Michelle Ciurria, A New Ameliorative Approach to Moral Responsibility
  • Valentina Bortolami, On the Metaphilosophical Implications of the Naturalism Question in Feminism
  • Giovanna Miolli, Composting Contemporary Metaphilosophy with Feminist Philosophical Perspectives: Towards an Account of Philosophy’s Concreteness

Recensioni / Book Reviews

  • Giovanna Miolli, A. Balzano, Per farla finita con la famiglia. Dall’aborto alle parentele postumane
  • Elena Tripaldi, R.M. Carusi, Lacan and Critical Feminism: Subjectivity, Sexuation, and Discourse
  • Aléxia Bretas, D. Ferreira da Silva, A Dívida Impagável
  • Anna Guerini, J. Nash, Black Feminism Reimagined
  • Silvia Locatelli, A. Stone, Being Born: Birth and Philosophy
  • Sabrina Morán and María Cecilia Padilla, F. Vergès, The Wombs of Women


You can download the opening essay Feminist Metaphilosophy: An Introduction by Valentina Bortolami and Giovanna Miolli here.

All articles are available in open access on the journal’s website.

New Release: Verifiche (L, 2/2021): "Feminist Metaphilosophy" (ed. by Valentina Bortolami and Giovanna Miolli)

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/new-release-verifiche-l-2-2021-feminist-metaphilosophy-ed-by-valentina-bortolami-and-giovanna-miolli/