

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

3PR Workshop: “God and Infinity: Perspectives from Hegel and Kierkegaard” (Princeton, 1-2 April, 2022)

We are glad to give notice of the The Princeton Project in Philosophy and Religion (3PR) Workshop: “God and Infinity: Perspectives from Hegel and Kierkegaard, which will take place in person at Princeton University (University Center for Human Values, Marx Hall, Room 301, Kerstetter Seminar Room, Princeton, NJ) on April 1st-2nd 2022.

To register please visit this link.

Organizers of the event: Alexander Englert (Princeton University) and Elizabeth Li (Princeton University).

Speakers will be: Amber Bowen (Redeemer University), Brady Bowman (Penn State), C. Stephen Evans (Baylor University), Molly Farneth (Haverford College), Eleanor Helms (California Polytechnic State University), James Kreines (Claremont McKenna College), Dean Moyar (Johns Hopkins University).

Below you can find the program of the event.


Friday April 1st 2022 Marx Hall 301

2.30pm Welcome and Coffee

2.40pm-3.30pm Alexander Englert, Hegel’s Life Religious and Its Discontents

3.40pm-4.30pm Molly Farneth, Becoming Spirit: Hegel on Habit, Ritual, and Emergence

4.40pm-5.30pm C. Stephen Evans, Kierkegaard on Love as Infinite Debt

5.30pm-7.00pm Reception (Corwin 127, Fisher Hall)


Sarturday April 2nd 2022 Marx Hall 301

9.30am Coffee

9.50am-10.40am Elizabeth Li, Climacus and the Bad Infinite: Thinking Existence in Postscript

10.50am-11.40am Brady Bowman, Domination, Reconciliation, and the Unhappy Consciousness. Hegel’s Ambivalent Conception of the Infinite and Some Religious and Theological Implications”

11.50am-12.40pm Amber Bowen, Hope and the Possibility of Eternity

12.40pm-1.40pm Lunch

1.40pm-.2.30pm Dean Moyar, Logic Incarnate: Philosophical Lessons of Absolute Religion

2.30pm-3.00pm Coffee

3.00pm-3.50pm Eleanor Helms,The Bounded Imagination

4.00pm-4.50pm James Kreines, Taking Kierkegaardian Leaps Seriously in Approaching Hegel’s Absolute: For Philosophy at the Extremes

5.00pm-6.00pm Reception (Tower Room)


For further information please visit the website of the event.


Leu3PR Workshop: "God and Infinity: Perspectives from Hegel and Kierkegaard” (Princeton, 1-2 April, 2022)

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/3pr-workshop-god-and-infinity-perspectives-from-hegel-and-kierkegaard-princeton-1-2-april-2022/