

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

New Release: Alexander Schnell, “Zeit, Einbildung, Ich. Phänomenologische Interpretation von Kants «Transzendentaler Kategorien-Deduktion»” (Klostermann, 2022)

We are glad to give notice of the new book Zeit, Einbildung, Ich. Phänomenologische Interpretation von Kants «Transzendentaler Kategorien-Deduktion», by Alexander Schnell (Vittorio Klostermann, 2022).

From the publisher’s website:

Immanuel Kant’s transcendental deduction of the concepts of pure understanding is not only at the center of the “Critique of Pure Reason”, but it is perhaps one of the most important texts of transcendental philosophy. Anyone who wants to deal with it needs to study and understand Kant’s deductions in both editions of the “Critique of Pure Reason.” In his new book, Alexander Schnell devotes himself to the task of mastering the difficulties of the Kantian texts, focusing on a precise explanation of the basic idea of category deduction. In doing so, the author approaches the subject not exclusively from the perspective of a text-immanent interpretation, but also from a decidedly phenomenological point of view that allows Kant’s thought to be connected with contemporary phenomenology. By bringing into play both Martin Heidegger’s and Eugen Fink’s interpretations of Kant, he thus succeeds in combining intensive immersion in the Kantian text with a commanding outline of the thing itself which is being interpreted.


New Release: Alexander Schnell, "Zeit, Einbildung, Ich. Phänomenologische Interpretation von Kants «Transzendentaler Kategorien-Deduktion»" (Klostermann, 2022)

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/new-release-alexander-schnell-zeit-einbildung-ich-phanomenologische-interpretation-von-kants-transzendentaler-kategorien-deduktion-klostermann-2022/