

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

hpd – Digest (May 2022 – February 2023)

hpd-digest offers an overview of the most recent activities, events and publications involving the members of hegelpd, the Research Group on Classical German Philosophy in Padova. It also includes the main events taking place in Padova, as well as the general research topics on which we are currently focusing.


MAY 2022 – FEBRUARY 2023















Elena Nardelli and Marco Bonutto are new members of our editorial staff. 



The 2021-2022 research seminar of the Doctoral School in Philosophy of the University of Padova is devoted to a close reading of G.W. F. Hegel’s Lectures on The Philosophy of History. Each session of the seminar focuses on a specific section of Hegel’s text. A moderator introduces the most relevant topics, arguments and problems presented by the Lectures.


The following meetings have taken place since May 2022:

May 3rd, 2022: Saša Hrnjez presented The Roman World.

May 17th, 2022: Silvia Locatelli presented The German World. I. The Elements of the Christian German; II. The Middle Age.

May 31st, 2022: Barbara Santini presented The German World. III. The Modern Time: The Reformation; The Influence of Reformation on Political Development.

Jun 14th, 2022: Giulia La Rocca and Adriano Carvalheiro presented The German World. III. The Modern Time: The Enlightenment and the Revolution.



This year’s research seminar of the Doctoral School in Philosophy of the University of Padova is devoted to a close reading of G.W. F. Hegel’s Elements of the Philosophy of Right. Each session of the seminar focuses on a specific section of Hegel’s text. A moderator introduces the most relevant topics, arguments and problems presented by the Lectures.


The following meetings have already taken place:


Oct 18th, 2022: Luca Illetterati introduced this year’s research seminar.

Dec 6th, 2022: Armando Manchisi presented Introduction (§§ 1-33).

Dec 20th, 2022: Giovanna Luciano presented Abstract Right: Introduction, Section 1: “Property” (§§ 34-71).

Jan 17th, 2023: Elisa Gremmo presented Abstract Right: Section 2: “Contract”; Section 3: “Wrong”; “Transition from Right to Morality” (§§ 72-104).

Jan 31st, 2023: Zdravko Kobe presented Morality: Section 1: “Purpose and Responsibility”; Section 2: “Intention and Welfare” (§§ 105-128).

Feb 14th, 2023: Marco Bonutto, Davide Puzzolo presented Morality: Section 3: “The Good and the Conscience” (§§ 129-141).



The call for the hegelpd-prize 2023 is now open: check it out!

The prize is awarded to high-quality scientific contributions that have appeared in the field of Hegelian studies in 2021-2022.

May 10th, 2022: discussion of the article Hegel’s Time: Between Tragic Action and Modern History, («Hegel Bulletin» 40 3/2019) by Berta M. Pérez (Universitat de València), with the author. The article was awarded of a mention for the hegepd-prize 2021.

October 3rd, 2022: discussion of the book Autonomie und Befreiung. Studien zu Hegel (Suhrkamp, 2018), by Christoph Menke (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt), with the author. The book was awarded the hegelpd-prize 2021.



In order to celebrate the 250th anniversary of Hegel’s birth, hegelpd has launched the Padova Hegel Lectures: a series of lectures given by international Hegel scholars, aimed at exploring Hegelian philosophy as a whole, investigating its main insights as well as its relevance for contemporary concerns.

May 24th, 2022: James Kreines (Claremont McKenna), Reviving the Old Story of Reviving a Metaphysical System à la Spinoza: Kant’s Dialectic as Challenge and Hegel’s as Solution.

Jul 19th, 2022: Christophe Bouton (Université Bordeaux Montaigne), Hegel and the problem of realism.



Giulia Bernard has been awarded a research fellowship (January 2023-December 2024) at the University of Padova for the project “The ‘historical’ and the ‘rational’: philosophy and metaphilosophy between classical German philosophy and contemporary thought”, which she will conduct under the supervision of Prof. Luca Illetterati. 

Saša Hrnjez has been awarded the research grant “Young Researchers” of the Italian Ministry of University and Research funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU  (Dec 2022-Dec 2025), with the project Estrangement in Language: Approaching Exophonic Practices through the Lens of Philosophy (LANGEST) that will be carried out at the Department of Humanities of the University of Florence.

Giovanna Luciano has been awarded the research grant “Young Researchers” of the Italian Ministry of University and Research funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU, with the project “THEORY IN ACTION: Rethinking Social Criticism Through Hegel’s Logic” that will be carried out at the University of Padova, FISPPA. 

Elena Tripaldi has been awarded a one-month FU Flexible Funds grant (June 2022) for enhancing the collaboration between the chair of Prof. Dina Emundts at FU Berlin and of Prof. Illetterati at the University of Padua through the preparation of application of third-party funds for bilateral/joint research projects.

Elena Tripaldi has won a Thyssen scholarship (Dec. 2022-Dec. 2023) for the project “The structure of the I and the structure of being in Hegel’s Logic as metaphysics”, which she will conduct at FU Berlin under the supervision of Prof. Dina Emundts. 

The research network “Classical German Anthropologies” has been funded by the DFG for the period 2023-2025. P.I.s Luca Corti (Padua), Julia Peters (Heidelberg), Johannes-Georg Schülein (Bochum). The Network will organise 6 workshops and a series of events related to the topic of “anthropologies” between XVIII and XIX century in Heidelberg and Padua (https://www.classicalgermananthropologies.com).

The hegelpd research group will be the Italian partner of the Chair of the History of Philosophy at the Free University of Berlin in the project “Encountering Objectivity. Reality and Cognition in German Classical Philosophy and Contemporary Debate”, which has been sponsored by the DAAD Hochschuldialog mit Südeuropa program for 2023-2024. The program sponsors two workshops, one to be held in Berlin and one to be held in Padua, where young researchers from Padua and Berlin will present and discuss their research. Each workshop will be opened by a keynote lecture by international experts on the topic. The proceedings will be published in an edited volume in 2024. Project Coordinator: Prof. Dina Emundts, Partner: Luca Illetterati; Project Assistants: Elena Tripaldi, Karen Koch.














A Call for Papers for the issue of Rivista di Estetica (2/2024) on Speculative Thinking is now open. Advisory editors are Luca Illetterati (Università di Padova), Zdravko Kobe (Univerza v Ljubljani) and Giulia Bernard (Università di Padova). Deadline for the submission is April 30th, 2023.

A Call for Papers for a special issue of Verifiche (2/2023) Reason in Check. Philosophy of Religion in Classical German Philosophy is now open. Editors are Barbara Santini (Università di Padova) and Giulia Bernard (Università di Padova). Deadline for the submission is June 30th, 2023










Barbara Santini: Philosophy of Religion (MA 22/23): The relationship between morality and religion in the Kantian and post-Kantian constellation (Kant, Fichte, Jacobi, Hölderlin, Schelling, Hegel): the transcendental philosophy of religion, the Atheismusstreit, and transformative instances for new models of philosophy of religion.

Theoretical Philosophy (ISSR BA 22/23): The idea of philosophy as a system of reason and the issue of the ‘scientificity’ of human knowledge in Kant and Fichte: the system and its principle.

Gabriele Tomasi: Philosophy of Art (MA 2022/2023): Schiller and Hölderlin’s conception of poetry and their understanding of the relationship between poetry and philosophy, in dialogue with contemporary debate, with particular reference to analytically oriented aesthetics.

Elena Tripaldi: Philosophy BA 2022 “Monism now and then: the debate on monism in contemporary analytic metaphysics and its predecessors” Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Philosophie.


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/hpd-digest-may-2022-february-2023/