

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

International Conference – Humboldt Kolleg: “‘For Sense is this Wonderful Word’: Hegel and the Aesthetic” (Pisa, 23-24 March 2023)

We are glad to give notice of the International Conference – Humboldt Kolleg “For Sense is this Wonderful Word”: Hegel and the Aesthetic, which will take place at the University of Pisa (Aula Magna of Palazzo Boileau, Via Santa Maria 85) on March 23rd and 24th, 2023.

The event is organized by Alberto L. Siani (alberto.siani@unipi.it), with the support and patronage of the Humboldt Foundation and the Italian Society of Aesthetics.

The conference will also include a presentation by Klaus Vieweg of the manuscripts of Hegel’s Lectures on Aesthetics he recently discovered, as well as the Humboldt Foundation’s postdoctoral fellowship and research programs by the scientific ambassador for Italy Alessandra Beccarisi.

Below you can find the program of the event.


23 March

9-9.30: Opening and Greetings
9.30-10.15: Michael Forster, Hegel on Ancient Tragedy
10.15-11: Kenneth R. Westphal, Hegel & World-Historical Art: Miles Davis in Berlin, October 22nd, 1983 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Khwcu0ObUo)
11-11.30: Break
11.30-12.15: Nicola Ramazzotto, Senseful Art and Senseless Aesthetics? Hegel on Poetic Language
12.15-13: Bruno Haas, Typology of “Sense”: Symbolic, Iconic, Functional. Hegel on the “Forms of Art”
13-14.45: Lunch
14.45-15.30: Francesca Iannelli, Die Galaxie des Hyperästhetischen bei Hegel
15.30-16.15: Klaus Vieweg, Wahlverwandtschaft – Goethe und Hegel
16.15-16.45: Break
16.45-17.30: Francesco Campana, The Sense of Representation. On the Role of Vorstellung in Hegel’s Aesthetics
17.30-18.00: Presentation of the newly found manuscripts of Hegel’s Lectures on Aesthetics (Klaus Vieweg, Francesca Iannelli)


24 March

9-9.45: Marina Bykova, Hegel and the Truth of Art
9.45-10.30: Alberto L. Siani, Aesthetics and/as/or Philosophy of Art: Hegelian Variations
10.30-11: Break
11-11.45: Paolo D’Angelo, Other Deaths of Art. On Some Antecedents of the Hegelian Thesis
11.45-12.30: Elena Romagnoli, Embodiment in the Romantic Form of Art: Remarks on Hegel’s Aesthetics
12.30-13: Presentation of the Humboldt Foundation Programs and Postdoctoral Fellowships (Alessandra Beccarisi, Humboldt Ambassador Scientist for Italy)
13-14.45: Lunch
14.45-15.30: Christian Krijnen, Absolute Spirit
15.30-16.15: Mario Farina, Hegel’s Notion of Symbol. The Aesthetics between System and Interpretation
16.15-16.45: Break
16.45-17.30: Cinzia Ferrini, Hegel, Sensation and Doing Justice to the Real Externalities of Beings
17.30-18.15: Paul A. Kottman, Disinterested Pleasure, Passionless Love: Hegel and Kant on Post-Melancholic Life


You can also download the pdf version of the program.

For further information you can visit the website of the event.


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/international-conference-humboldt-kolleg-for-sense-is-this-wonderful-word-hegel-and-the-aesthetic-pisa-23-24-march-2023/