

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

1st Berlin-Padua DAAD Workshop on Classical German Philosophy: “Encountering Objectivity. Reality and Cognition between German Classical Philosophy and Contemporary Debates” (Berlin, July 10th-11th, 2023)

We are pleased to announce the 1st Berlin-Padua DAAD Workshop on Classical German Philosophy “Encountering Objectivity. Reality and Cognition between German Classical Philosophy and Contemporary Debates”.

The workshop will take place at Freie Universität Berlin (Altensteinstr. 15, Raum 003B) on July 10th-11th, 2023, and is organised by Karen Koch, Elena Tripaldi, Dina Emundts, and Luca Illetterati.

The workshop will feature a Keynote Lecture by Sebastian Rand (Georgia State University) and talks by Giulia Bernard (Padua), Valentina Bortolami (Padua/Brock), Luca Corti (Padua), Laura Dequal (Padua), Lucian Ionel (Leipzig), Bojana Jovicevic (Ljubljana), Giovanna Miolli (Padua), Elena Tripaldi (Padua), Ana Vieyra Ramirez (Emory), Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod (Paris/Namur).

The workshop is the first meeting of the DAAD Hochschuldialog mit Südeuropa project “Encountering Objectivity. Reality and Cognition between German Classical Philosophy and Contemporary Debates“, whose aim is to investigate the notion and understanding of objectivity in view of the inevitably situated standpoint of human cognition, bridging the gap between contemporary debates in feminist theory and the posthuman, and Classical German Philosophy.

The project is a collaboration between the chair of the history of philosophy at Freie Universität Berlin and the research group on Classical German Philosophy “hegelpd” at the University of Padua.

Professor Dina Emundts and Professor Luca Illetterati are PIs of the project, Doctor Karen Koch and Doctor Elena Tripaldi are assistants to the project.


You can find the program of the workshop below


1st Berlin-Padua DAAD Workshop – Encountering Objectivity. Reality and Cognition between German Classical Philosophy and Contemporary Debates

July, 10th 2023

9:30 Welcome – Dina Emundts, Luca Illetterati, Karen Koch, Elena Tripaldi

Session I: Chair Lilja Walliser (Free University Berlin)

10:00 Elena Tripaldi (University of Padua) – The Unity of Correlation and Non-Correlation: Contingency, Objectivity, and the possibility of Ecological Thought in Hegel

Discussant: Leone Zellini (Free University Berlin)

11:15 Break

11:30 Ana Vieyra Ramirez (Emory University) – Destabilizing objectivity and cognition of nature in Hegel

Discussant: Evgenia Chugurina (Humboldt University Berlin)

12:45 – 13.45 Lunch Break

Session II: Chair Achim Wamssler (Free University Berlin)

13:45 – 15:00 Giovanna Miolli (University of Padua) – The Critical-transformative Potential of Hegel’s Notion of the “Concrete Universal” from a Feminist Perspective

Discussant: Maria Fasbender (Free University Berlin)

15:00-15:15 Break

15.30-16:45 Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod (Universities of Paris/Namure) –  The gender of recognition? Hegel’s itinerary, from Frankfurt to Jena

Discussant: Frank Müller (Centre Marc Bloch Berlin)


KEYNOTE LECTURE: Chair Dina Emundts (Free University Berlin) 

17:00 Sebastian Rand (Georgia State University) – Who’s Afraid of Immediacy? 


July, 11th 2023

Session III: Chair Karen Koch (Free University Berlin)

10.00 Luca Corti (University of Padua) – The presence of Hegel in social ecology: nature, second nature and dialectical naturalism

Discussant: Anton Kabeshkin (University of Potsdam)

11.15 Break

11.30 Bojana Jovićević (University of Ljubljana) –  The Idea of Sexual Difference: Life, Genus Process, and Opposition

Discussant: Nicolas Garcia Mills (Free University Berlin)

12.45 – 13.45 Lunch Break

Session IV: Chair Elena Romano (Free University Berlin)

13.45 – 15:00 Giulia Bernard (University of Padua) – „Daß Verstand, Vernunft in der Welt ist”: Hegel’s Quest for Objectivity against Objectivism in the Lectures on the Proofs of the Existence of God

Discussant: Pablo Genazzano (University of Potsdam)

15:00-15.15 Break

15.15 – 16:30  Laura Dequal (University of Padua) – Die Natur im Kunstwerk. Überlegungen über die Objecthood in der Gegenwartskunst

Discussant: Achim Wamssler (Free University Berlin)

16:30-16:45 Break

Session V: Chair Tobias Wieland (Free University Berlin)

16:45 – 17:15 Lucian Ionel (University Leipzig), The Origin of Objective Thought in Kant

Discussant: Ronja Liebenrodt (Free University Berlin)

17:15-17:30 Break

17.30 – 18:45 Valentina Bortolami (University of Padua/Brock University) – A powerful infidel heteroglossia. Feminist cuts to the concept of objectivity

Discussant: Elena Romano (Free University Berlin)

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/1st-berlin-padua-daad-workshop-on-classical-german-philosophy-encountering-objectivity-reality-and-cognition-between-german-classical-philosophy-and-contemporary-debates-berlin-j/