

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Conference: “Kant and the Norms of Action. A Revaluation of the Synthetic Apriori” (Mainz, 27-30 July 2023)

We are glad to give notice of the conference Kant and the Norms of Action. A Revaluation of the Synthetic Apriori, which will be held at the “Erbacher Hof”, Mainz on July, 27th-30th, 2023.

The conference is organized by Konstantin Pollok / Margit Ruffing.

If interested, please contact kant@uni-mainz.de.

The flyer of the conference is available at this link.


Conference program

July 27th


July 28th

9:00 am Welcome

9:15 am Pauline Kleingeld: “The Groundwork’s ‘striking similarity’ to the Prolegomena”

10:15 am Stefano Bacin: “Kant on Ends as Norms of Action”

11:15 am Coffee Break

11:30 am Konstantin Pollok: “Moral Law, Categorical Imperative, and the Concept of an Absolutely Good Will: Comments on the Synthetic A Priori in GMS III”

12:30 pm Lunch

2:30 pm Karl Schafer: “The Real Ought to be the Rational: The PSR as a Principle of Practical Reason?”

3:30 pm Coffee Break

3:45 pm Saniye Vatansever: “Kant’s Deduction of Synthetic A Priori Practical Principles”

4:45 pm Michael Gregory: “The Possibility of Synthetic A Priori Principles of Right”

July 29th

9:15 am Anastasia Berg: “Making Ends Meet: The Paradoxes of Happiness and the Moral Life”

10:15 am Oliver Sensen: “The Categorical Imperative as a synthetic a priori principle”

11:15 am Coffee Break

11:30 am Kate Moran: “Civil Disobedience, Honeste Vive, and the Innate Right to Freedom”

12:30 pm Lunch

2:30 pm Jens Timmermann: “Das Faktum der Vernunft und Kants Unterscheidung analytisch/synthetisch in der praktischen Philosophie“

3:30 pm Coffee Break

3:45 pm Sofie Møller: “Synthetic a priori in the Doctrine of Right

4:45 pm Nicholas Dunn: “On Types and Tokens: Reflection and the Synthetic A Priori in Kant’s Theory of Practical Judgment”

7:00 pm Conference Dinner

July 30th


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/conference-kant-and-the-norms-of-action-a-revaluation-of-the-synthetic-apriori-mainz-27-30-july-2023/