

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

CFP: “Hegel and Postmodernism” («Philosophy and Society», 2024)

We are glad to give notice of the call for papers for the 2024 Special issue of «Philosophy and Society» dedicated to the topic Hegel and Postmodernism that will be edited by Đorđe Hristov (Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory, Belgrade) and Saša Hrnjez (University of Florence).

Please find below the text of the call or visit the link to the CfP online.

The deadline for submissions is February 29, 2024.

Hegel and Postmodernism

If we consider postmodernism as a condition, stance, or form of discourse that challenges the legacies of modernity, tracing its origins to the Enlightenment era, with its emphasis on reason, universality, and progress, then Hegel, as the pinnacle of modernity and the embodiment of Lyotard’s grand narrative, may initially seem entirely at odds with the postmodern perspective. Nonetheless, Hegel’s philosophy continues to be a subject of contention and debate within many postmodern viewpoints, as well as in efforts to define the very essence of postmodernity. Furthermore, it was Hegel who offered the first systematic (self)critique of modern subjectivity and abstract rationality, a critique often viewed from a postmodern standpoint as a dialectical affirmation of modernity. If, following Vattimo’s interpretation, Nietzsche’s death of God was the first philosophical event that made possible the passage to postmodernity, can Hegel’s philosophy of history be seen as a “preparation” of that event? And if certain elements of Hegel’s philosophy can be reconciled with some postmodern perspectives, isn’t the quintessentially Hegelian concept of the Absolute (Idea, Spirit, Knowledge) an insurmountable obstacle within the postmodern framework? On the other hand, what would be a Hegelian respond to the growing realization that the postmodern play of multiple worlds and languages might not lead to increased freedom and decreased violence? To paraphrase Slavoj Žižek, can Hegel help us better comprehend post-Hegelian phenomena that Hegel himself could not have envisioned? These are only some questions that set the stage for this volume.

The forthcoming special issue is dedicated to the interplay between Hegel’s philosophy, the broader landscape of postmodern philosophy, and the concept of postmodernism itself. The idea is to reassess the critical objections toward Hegel coming from postmodern thinkers, but also to reactivate Hegelian figures that can be deployed in the understanding of postmodernity.

We welcome contributions that delve into any topic or issue concerning the relationship between Hegel’s philosophy and postmodern thought, as well as the concept of the postmodern. We equally encourage submissions that scrutinize Hegel’s position within postmodern philosophy and those that offer fresh perspectives on the postmodern condition from a Hegelian vantage point. Papers may explore figures explicitly associated with postmodern philosophy (such as Lyotard, Vattimo, Rorty, etc.), positions that intersect with the postmodern moment (like Derrida, Baudrillard, Deleuze, Butler, Foucault, Laclau,etc.), as well as those who have critically engaged with postmodernism (such as Habermas, Harvey, and Jameson). The scope of relevant themes for this special issue spans across a wide spectrum, encompassing areas such as social and political theory, ethics, history, religion, metaphysics, and aesthetics. We encourage both historical papers grounded in detailed textual analysis and papers that engage with contemporary debates.

Should you have any uncertainties about the suitability of your paper for this special issue, please do not hesitate to contact one of the editors before making your submission. Đorđe Hristov: george.hristov@ifdt.bg.ac.rs Saša Hrnjez: sasa.hrnjez@unifi.it

Papers should be 7000 to 10000 words in length, written in English, and follow the ASA citation  style. Submissions will be peer-reviewed (double blind).

For further guidelines see the Submissions page: https://journal.instifdt.bg.ac.rs/index.php/fid/about/submissions

About the Journal:

Philosophy and Society is a peer-reviewed, open-access academic journal established in 1987 by members of the Belgrade Praxis Group. Today, it is published by the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade, on a quarterly basis. Since its inception, the journal has welcomed contributions from established international academics: the first issue of Philosophy and Society featured articles by Albrecht Wellmer and Richard J. Bernstein, while the most recent issues include contributions from T. M. Scanlon, Otfried Höffe, Jean-Luc Marion, Judith Butler, Hauke Brunkhorst, Kennet R. Westphal, Hans Bernhard Schmid, Maurizio Ferraris, Dan Zahavi, Paul Cobben, and other renowned philosophers and social theorists.
Articles published in Philosophy and Society are indexed in the following databases: Web of Science (ESCI list); SCOPUS; ERIH Plus; Doiserbia; DOAJ; Sherpa Romeo; National Library; Ceeol; Komunikacija.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/cfp-hegel-and-postmodernism-philosophy-and-society/