

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

New Release: Lara Ostaric, “The Critique of Judgment and the Unity of Kant’s Critical System” (Cambridge University Press, 2023)

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume The Critique of Judgment and the Unity of Kant’s Critical System by Lara Ostaric (Cambridge University Press, 2023).

From the publisher’s website:

In this book, Lara Ostaric argues that Kant’s seminal Critique of Judgment is properly understood as completing his Critical system. The two seemingly disparate halves of the text are unified under this larger project insofar as both aesthetic and teleological judgment indirectly exhibit the final end of reason, the Ideas of the highest good and the postulates, as if obtaining in nature. She relates Kant’s discussion of aesthetic and teleological judgment to important yet under-explored concepts in his philosophy, and helps the reader to recognize the relevance of his aesthetics and teleology for our understanding of fine arts and genius, the possibility of pure judgments of ugliness, Kant’s philosophy of history, his philosophy of religion, and his conception of autonomy. Ostaric’s novel and thoroughly integrative presentation of Kant’s system will be of interest not only to Kant scholars but also to those working in religious studies, art history, political theory, and intellectual history.

New Release: Lara Ostaric, "The Critique of Judgment and the Unity of Kant's Critical System" (Cambridge University Press, 2023)

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/new-release-lara-ostaric-the-critique-of-judgment-and-the-unity-of-kants-critical-system-cambridge-university-press-2023/